Albany Taxables: ca. 1752

The following are the taxables found in Albany Township  at the erection of the county.[bib]624[/bib]

Adam, Anthony
Baily, John
Bittick, Arnold
Boose, Adam
Bomgardner, Geo Orchard
Bug, Andrew Haigh
Creeker, John
Celphack, Christopher
Cleanman, George
Coogler, Philip
Corker, John Michael
Cuntz, Jacob
Drum, Adam
Emrich, Nicholas
Farmer, William
Flack, Julius
Foolweiler, Casper
Gorner, George
Hacker, Jacob
Hard, George
Heffeler, Christian
Henrick, Christian
Herbester, Michael
Hower, Frederick
Jarkmer, Jacob
Keffer, Martin
Kesler, John
Kistner, Peter
Lantz, Jacob
Lember, George
Lentz, George
Mensel, Fredrick
Miller, John
Mowner, Michael
Nigh, Casper
Peter, Valentine
Petershiminer, Anthony
Proabst, Michael
Probst, Martin
Probst, Felty
Ratick, Nicholas
Reifeldorfer, Henry
Rickelferfer, Fredrick
Ritter, Henry
Stam, Jacob
Smader, William
Stamp William
Stampack, Philip
Stapleton, Tobias
Strawser, Nicholas
Smith, Daniel
Swing, Christopher
Treese, Peter
Tresse, Henry
Treese, Simon
Treiss, Cornelius
Wenner, Andreas
Wenner, Nicholas
Witt, John
Zimmerman, Henry
Single Men:
Milderberger, Nicholas 
Packerman, Solomon
Staler, Adam