A Lancaster County Ghost Story

A ghost has made its appearance near a school-house in Manor township, Lancaster county, Pa. It was first seen one night by Rev. Daniel Witmer and M. H. Kauffman, the latter at the time being in the company of two ladies. They were returning from attendance at a religious meeting which had been held in the school-house where Mr. Witmer had preached.

A short distance away from the fence dividing the fields the reverend gentleman separated from Mr. Kauffman and the ladies and started homeward on a near cut across the fields. He had only gone about one hundred yards, carrying a lantern, when Mr. Kauffman and his lady friends saw approach what they supposed to be another man, who also carried a lantern, walked on a short distance, and finally  disappeared from view. The following day Mr. Kauffman met the minister, who said: "After leaving you I started across the field and had gone but a short distance when I saw the approach of what I supposed to be a man carrying a lantern. He came directly towards me and when near enough I was almost paralyzed with horror to perceive that no head crowned the body. The object was a moving body without a head, but when it came quite close to me my terror was increased still further by seeing the head in one of its hands. The fearful object took its place by my side and accompanied me to my door. How I managed to retain consciousness and reach home I don't know. It was the most fearful experience I ever had, and I hope I may never have the like again." This same object, whatever it may be, has been seen several times.
This is the story as related by Mr. Kauffman and corroborated by others of the vicinity. Of course there is some natural cause for this spectral appearance, but it would be difficult to make some people of the neighborhood believe it was anything else than supernatural.
Several other members of  Mr. Witmer's congregation also saw the object, but ran for their lives. Other reputable citizens have also been accompanied home by the apparition. It is popularly supposed to be the spectre of a rich minister who was found dead recently and known to have large sums of money hidden.1
  • 1. Gettysburg Compiler, 1/20/1885