Murdered Young Emma Pfitzenmeyer's Spirit Now Turns Up
Hair-Raising Experience of Members of the Rumford Family
They Visit The Room In Which The Pretty Girl Met Her Death and Have A Lively and Very Interesting Time With A Spook
Special to the Inquirer
Chester, Feb. 26. The Schmidt residence, where that pretty German girsl, Emma Pfitzenmeyer, lost her life after she had returned from a dance, has leaped into prominence again, and this time because the "ghost" of the murdered girl insists upon roaming about to the great consternation of those in the neighborhood.
Emma wasn't the kind of girl that would be likely to trouble the living, but after her tragic end it was some time before the owner of the Schmidt residence could get a tenant. Those persons who happened to be looking for a house were not afraid of ghosts, no indeed, but they didn't like to live in such places.
No Fear of Spirits