Finding the actual location of the Friends Meeting House at the Cliffs is a bit of a challenge, as the cliffs stretch along most of Calvert County's coast line, though the southern part is more likely to be identified as The Cliffs . F. Edward Wright, in his article, "Early Church Records in Maryland - Part I - Early Quaker Records," which appeared in the Marlyand Genealogical Society Bulletin, Vol. 36, No. 1, says this of the meeting:
The Monthly Meeting at the Clifts in Calvert Calvert was the initial Motnhly Meeting of Western Maryland, encompassing an area as far as the northern part of Baltimore County, all of Anne Arundel and Calvert Counties, and parts of Charles and Prince George's Counties. The Clifts Monthly Meeting began ca. 1677. In 1750, Herring Creek became the meeting place fo the Monthly Meeting with the title changed to Herring Creek Monthly Meeting. By the late 1750's, the monthly meeting consisted of five meetings: Herring Creek, the Clifts, West River, Indian Spring and Sandy Spring.
Further information in the article provided a bit more detail: