Will Abstracts: Surnames M-N

February 18, 1792.  April 4, 1792. Letter 5 October 1795.
Kinsman John Cain and his wife.
Donation land in Alleghany Co.
Land in Muskingum.
James Cain, son of John Cain.
Exs:  John Cain and his wife.
Wit:  George Dickson, Joseph Hare.
Letters to Catherine McCallister.  E. 354.
McALLISTER, TOBIAS, yeoman, Rye.  
June 15, 1795. July 25, 1795.
Wife Hester.
Sister Mary McAlliser.
James Donnelly, eldest son of wife Hester.
Son Daniel McAllister, a minor.
Exs:  Samuel Deane and James Diven, both of Tyrone.
Wit:  James Cunningham, John Dea, John Connelly.    E. 348.
McBETH, ANDREW, Middleton.  
January 28, 1791. October 7, 1791.
Wife Ann.
Dau. Margaret, a minor.
Son Alexander.
Daus. Mary and Jean.
Exs:  Wife and William Blair, Jr. of Carlisle.
Wit:  David Elliott, Robert Elliott, Jean Elliott.  E. 234.
McCALL, ANN, Shippensburgh.  
December 1794. April 18, 1795.
Son Ezra.
Dau. Mary, wife of David Tate.
Son James Campbell.
Exs:  Son Ezra McCall and Col. William McFarlane.
Wit:  Jas. Crawford, John Scott, Isaac Cook.  E. 344.
McCANA, PATRICK, schoolmaster, Tyrone.  
April 4, 1790. May 14, 1790.
To Samuel Fisher.
David McClure, Esq., and his dau. Jean.
Exs:  Samuel Fisher.
Wit:  James Adams, Samuel Thompson.  E. 178.
McCARTNEY, JOHN, Fermanagh.  
November 9, 1786. June 2, 1787.
Wife Sibilla.
Three daus. Rebecca, Sarah and Margret.
Exs:  Wife Sibilla and James Adair.
Wit:  Robert Nelson, William McCartney, James Thompson.  E. 110.



McCLEAN, ALLAN, Tyrone. 
August 1, 1786. November 26, 1786.
Wife Agness.
Two sons Allan and John.
Dau. Jean.
Son-in-law William Reed.
Dau. Elizabeth.
Exs:  Son Allan McClean and John Sharp, Sr.
Wit:  William McClure, John Sharp, Sr., George Hamilton.  E. 92.



July 24, 1787. May 7, 1788.
Son Alexander.
Three daus., viz., Mary, Ann and Elizabeth.
Son Daniel McClintock.
Exs:  Son Alexander McClintock.
Wit:  Alexr. Laughlin, Thos. Buchanan.  E. 127.



McCLINTOCK, ROBERT, joiner, Toboin.  
February 11, 1791. July 25, 1793.
Wife Martha.
Children John, James, Betsy and Samuel.
Father William McClintock.
Exs:  James Powers, Moses Thompson and Joseph McClintock.
Wit:  James Robison, William McCoord.  E. 301.



McCLURE, ROBERT, Sr., yeoman, Westpennsbro.  
September 20, 1792.  October 16, 1792. 
Oldest son William.
Dau.-in-law Sarah, wife of son Alexander, Dec'd, and her unborn 
child. Son Robert.
Bro. William McClure of Lack Twp., Mifflin Co.
Daus. Jane, Margaret and Elizabeth.
Exs:  Son William McClure and son-in-law James Laird.
Wit:  John McKighan, James Woodburn.  E. 267.



McCOLLUM, NEAL, Tyrone.  
February 6, 1790. April 2, 1791.
Wife Christian.
Exs:  Son Thomas McCollum.
Wit:  James McCord, James Diven.  E. 216.



May 13, 1786. November 24, 1786.
Children, viz., Ann McConnell, Elizabeth McConnell, Robert McConnell 
and Mary Dickey.
Sons-in-law William Dickey and Peter Sturgeon.
Exs:  John Johnston.
Wit:  Samuel Lamond, Thomas Johnston.   E. 95.



McCORMICK, ADAM, Hopewell.  
December 30, 1790. July 19, 1791.
Wife Elizabeth.
Sons James and Robert.
Dau. Jean.
Son Adam.
Dau. Elizabeth.
Son George.
Dau. Isabella.
Some of the children, minors.
Exs:  Wife Elizabeth, son James and John McKee.
Wit:  William Montgomery, John Wills.  E. 227-228.



McCORMICK, JANE, Tyrone.  
January 18, 1788. February 13, 1788.
Son John McCormick.
Dau. Margaret Quigley.
Granddau. Elizabeth Quigley, dau. of Margaret Quigley.
Remainder of grandchildren, viz., Samuel McClure, Thomas McClure, John 
McClure, James McClure, William McClure, Wilson McClure, David McClure, 
Jane McClure, John Quigley, William Quigley, Samuel Quigley, Elizabeth 
Quigley, Easter Quigley, Jane Quigley, Sarah Quigley, Elizabeth Sharon, 
Sarah Sharon, Mary Sharon, Issabella Sharon, William Sharon, Jane 
Sharon, William Adams, Ann Adams, Thomas McCormick and Hudson 
McCormick. To grandson John McClure, his grandfather John McCormick's 
Bible. Exs:  David McClure, Esq., and James McCormick, Sr.
Wit:  Patrick McCanna, James Adams, William Foster.  E. 118-119.



McCULLOGH, JAMES, farmer, West Pennsborough.  
August 5, 1785. November 21, 1785. 
Wife Elizabeth.
Dau. Elizabeth.
Son-in-law James Boyle.
Son-in-law John Chambers.
Son-in-law William Lemmond.
Son James McCullogh.
Son Robert to be schooled and clothed.
Grandchildren Samuel Lemmond and Samuel Boyle, minors.
Dau. Sarah Chambers.
Son Archibald.
Grandchild Rosana Adair, minor.
Exs:  Wife Elizabeth and son-in-law William Lemmond.
Wit:  John Sproat, William Sproat, Joshua Marlin.  E. 50-51.



McCUE, ANTHONY, yeoman, Allen.  
February 8, 1790. March 18, 1790.
Wife Jane.
Sons John, Abraham and Thomas.
Son-in-law Thomas Cannon and Mary Cannon, his wife.
Son-in-law Samuel Johnston and Agness, his wife.
Grandson James Johnston, minor.
Grandson Anthony Johnston, minor.
Granddau. Mary Rodgers.
Exs:  Henry Quigley and Abraham McCue.
Wit:  C. Quigley, Isaack Norton.  E. 167-168.



McCUNE, JOHN, farmer, Newton.  
December 24, 1792. March 6, 1793.
Wife Mary.
Land bought from John McKewen.
Sons Andrew and David McCune.
Dau. Susanna Barr.
Dau. Margaret Wier.
Grandson John McCune, son of Samuel McCune, Dec'd.
Dau. Mary McCune.
Sons John, Robert and William McCune, minors.
Exs:  James Sharp, Alexander Laughlin and John McCune.
Wit:  Alexander Laughlin, John Woods, George Wier.  E. 278-280.



McCUNE, SAMUEL, yeoman, Hopewell.  
March 13, 1786. October 12, 1786.
Wife Elenor.
Son John.
Daus. Elizabeth, Rosanna, Peggy, Kezia and Nelly.
Land in Southampton, Franklin Co. in tenure of Joseph Arbucle.
Exs:  Alexander Laughlin, James McCune and son John McCune.
Wit:  Jas. Arbuckle, Robt. Barr, Rob. Scott.  E. 84-85.



McDANIEL, DAVID, Newton.  
January 30, 1787. April 28, 1789.
Wife Jean.
Oldest son Daniel.
Dau. Katrine McDaniel.
Dau. Mary, wife of Alexander McNickle.
Son Joseph.
Granddau. Jean McNickle, a minor.
Exs:  Son Daniel McDaniel.
Wit:  John Scouller, Sam McCormick, Alexander McClintock.  E. 151.



McENAIR, ALEXANDER, gentleman, Teboin.  
September 23, 1791. February 17, 1792. 
Wife Mary.
Nephew Alexander McEnair, Junior.
Mary Thorn.
Hannah Thorn.
Margaret Garvin.
Nephews Robert McEnair, Dening McEnair, David McEnair.
Exs:  Wife Mary McEnair and John Clark.
Wit:  Joseph Henderson, Sarah Clark.  E. 245-246.



February 4, 1780. May 17, 1787.
Son William.
Granddau. Margaret, dau. of son John.
Granddau. Ann Buchanan.
Son Robert.
Daus. Ann and Jennet.
For schooling of son John's children.
Exs:  Sons Robert and William.
Wit:  James McFarlane, Jno. Byers.  E. 106.



March 3, 1793. April 4, 1793.
Wife Rosanah.
Daus. Margaret, Elizabeth and Mary.
Son Robert, a minor.
Son William.
Son James.
Exs:  Sons William McFarlane and bro. William McFarlane.
Wit:  Robt. Laughlin, William Thompson, Alexr. Laughlin.  E. 289.



McKEAN, JAMES, Carlisle.  
August 13, 1792. September 21, 1792.
Bro.-in-law Hugh Patton of Carlisle.
Exs:  Hugh Patton and bro.'s son Hugh McKean.
Wit:  Saml. Laird, Wm. Wallace, James Brown.  E. 267-268.



McKINNEY, JOSEPH, husbandman, Hopewell. 
February 2, 1785. August 12, 
1785. Eldest son Thomas, land to John McKee's line.
Son David.
Dau.-in-law Elizabeth, widow of son Samuel, Dec'd.
Son Joseph.
Son-in-law John Macon.
Dau. Mary.
Son-in-law William McCord and dau. Agness, his wife, Dec'd.
Grandchildren Joseph, Samuel, Grizel, and Andrew McCord, minors.
Son William, decd, his widow Elizabeth and his four daus., viz., Elinor,
Jean, Mary and Agness McKinney.
Grandchildren Jean and Grizell McKinney.
Exs:  Sons Thomas McKinney and David McKinney.
Wit:  Andrew Thompson, Joseph Miller, John McKee.   E. 34-36.



McKINNEY, THOMAS, husbandman, Hopewell.  
June 2, 1787. October 23, 1787. 
Wife (no name).
Dau. Lidia.
Dau. Nancy.
Daus. Jean and Grizel, minors.
Son Joseph.
Son David.
Sons Andrew, Samuel and Thomas, minors.
Exs:  Two sons, Joseph and David McKinney.
Wit:  Alexr. Laughlin, Joseph Miller.   E. 116.



McMURRAY, THOMAS, Carlisle.  
July 9, 1789. September 1, 1789.
Bro. William McMurray's two sons, viz., Thomas and William, of the 
Kingdom of Ireland.
Bro. Samuel McMurray, his children, if he has any living.
Two sisters Jean and Sarah.
Bro. William.
Sister Ann Kerns and her three daus., viz., Jean, Ann, and Sarah.
Bro.-in-law John Kerns and his five children, viz., sd. three daus. 
Jean, Ann and Sarah, and two sons James and William.
Dau.-in-law Elizabeth McMurray.
Jean Boden wife of Hugh Boden.
Exs:  William Blair, Sr., John Jordan, Ephraim Steel and Abraham 
Longbridge. Wit:  John Morrison, John Anderson, Michael Marshall.  E. 158-159. 



McMURRAY, WILLIAM, Carlisle.  
March 6, 1787. April 9, 1787.
Wife Elizabeth.
Son Samuel, minor.
Land in Northumberland Co.
Land in the State of New York.
Annis Kearns, my father's sister.
Exs:  Wife and John Buchanan of Cumberland Co., William McClay, 
William Gray and William Wilson of Northumberland Co. and Thomas Wilcox 
of Chester Co. Wit:  John Anderson, John Steel.  E. 104-105.



May 19, 1790. September 28, 1790.
Bro. David McNair's sons, viz., Robert, John, David, Dunnen (Duncan?), 
Ezekiel and Alexander and his dau. Mary.
Four step sons John, Samuel, William and Matthew Davidson.
Bro. Alexr. McNair.
Exs:  Alexander Murray, Esq., and John Davidson.
Wit:  James McCrea, John Morrison.  E. 196.



McNELEY, GEORGE, Carlisle.  
September 3, 1785. October 19, 1795.
Bro. James McNeley.
Father James McNeley in Ireland.
Wit:  John Hunter, John Richmond, Abrm. Lochridge.
Exs:  None named.  
Adm: James McNelly.  E. 46.



McTEER, JAMES, Sr., yeoman, Allen.  
August 2, 1784. March 16, 1785.
Sons James, Samuel and Robert.
Daus. Elizabeth Boyd, and Eale Carothers.
Sons William and John McTeer.
Dau. Sarah Pauly.
Granddau. Elizabeth McTeer, dau. of son James McTeer.
Exs:  Sons James McTeer and Samuel McTeer.
Wit:  Hugh Laird, John Warden.  E. 5.
McTEER, JOHN, Allen.  
September 10, 1789. June 9, 1790.
Wife Mary.
Son James.
Seven youngest children, viz., Samuel Huston, John, Andrew, Alice, 
Isabel, Mary and Ann; three of the children minors.
Exs:  Wife Mary and sons Samuel Huston and John.
Wit:  William McMeen, Robert McMeen, Hugh Wallace.  E. 181-183.
----. March 25, 1794.
"The will was destroyed, when the home and office of Wm. Lyon, Register,
were consumed by fire, about eighteen years ago.  The contents sworn to 
by Jonathan Hope, Esq., who wrote it."
To wife Margaret McWhinney.
House and lot in Carlisle.
Land in East Pennsborough, where the testator lived.
His sister Bedcom's children.
Wit:  Isabella Buchanan, names of the others not remembered.  E. 321-322.
MAGAW, ROBERT, Carlisle.  
November 22, 1789. April 9, 1790.
Wife Marietta.
Dau. Elizabeth, minor.
House in tenure of James Hamilton.
Son Vanbrunt, minor.
Lands in Mifflin Co., in tenure of Robert Howe.
Plantation near Carlisle, in tenure of Abraham Swanger.
Exs:  Wife Marietta, father-in-law Rutgart Vanbrunt, bro.-in-law 
George Covenhaven and friends, Saml. Laird and James Hamilton.
Wit:  Thos. Foster, Lewis Foulk.  E. 171-172.
MARSHALL, JOSEPH, yeoman, Rye.  
July 2, 1785. August 26, 1785.
Sons Michael, Joseph, John and David.
Daus. Catherine and Elinor.
Dau. Mary.
Dau. Jean.
William Griffith, bound boy.
Exs:  Sons John Marshall and Michael Marshall.
Wit:  David McClure, Richard Douglass Smith, Hugh Gormly, Jr.  E. 40-41.
January 29, 1794. February 14, 1794.
Wife Letitia.
Eldest son Michael.
Sons John and Samuel.
Eldest dau. Isabella English.
Second dau. Grizzle Powers.
Youngest dau. Martha Cox.
Exs:  William Levis of Carlisle and nephew Michael Marshall.
Wit:  David Irvine, Edwd. Little.  E. 316-317.
April 2, 1789. June 18, 1790.
Bro. Robert.
John and Robert Watson in Franklin Co.
Andrew McCalla in the city of Philadelphia.  
Exs:  Bro. Robert Martin.
Wit:  Samuel Hanna, William Montgomery.  E. 184.
March 2, 1781. July 2, 1785.
Wife (no name).
Sons Samuel and Andrew.
Dau. Margaret Crocket and her son John.
Dau. Jean Bringham.
Son  Thomas Martin.
Exs:  Wife and son Samuel Martin.
Wit:  Alexr. Trindle, John Trindle.  E. 33.
MAXWELL, ALBERT, Rye.  December 20, 1788. 
January 24, 1789.
Three children, viz., William, Andrew and Margaret Maxwell.
Five other children, viz., James, Alexander, Robert, Ann Maxwell alias 
Taylor, and Mary Maxwell alias Woodburn.
Where James Hackett lives.
Exs:  Son Alexander Maxwell and Frederick Watts, Jr.
Wit:  Robert Walker, Frederick Watts, Jr.  E. 144.
MICHAL, MARINAS, East Pennsborough.  
January 21, 1788. August 27, 
1788. Wife Eve.
Daus. Mary Quin and Magdalen Michel.
Son-in-law Torrance Quin.
Exs:  Jacob Wormley.
Wit:  Richard Whitehill, Agness Murdock.  E. 134.
January 16, 1792. April 8, 1795.
Son Robert.
Daus. Elizabeth, Mary, Agness, Janet, Eleanor and Hannah.
Heirs of dau. Margaret, Dec'd.
Heirs of dau. Frances, Dec'd.
Sons James, David and John, minor.
Exs:  Sons James Mickey and David Mickey.
Wit:  David Ralston, Alexr. Laughlin, William Boyd.  E. 342-343.
MILLER, MATTHEW, farmer, Middleton.  
September 11, 1784. October 1, 1790. 
Eldest dau. Mary, wife of Samuel Irwin.
Matthew Irwin, son of dau. Mary.
Second dau. Sarah, wife of Samuel Williamson.
Matthew Williamson, son of dau. Sarah.
Eldest son John Miller.
Ann and Elizabeth, when eighteen years of age.
Third dau. Jenny, wife of James Gallespie.
Matthew Miller Gallespie, son of dau. Jenny.
Fourth dau. Elizabeth.
Fifth dau. Ruth.
Sixth dau. Catherine.
Youngest son Matthew.
Exs:  Two sons John Miller and Matthew Miller.
Wit:  Martha Skinner, Robert Skinner, James Adams.  E. 191-193.
MILLER, PHILIP, Carlisle.  
September 17, 1793. November 4, 1793.
Father and mother, Jeremiah and Elizabeth Miller.
Children of bros. and sisters.
Exs:  Bro. Michael Miller and William Levi.
Wit:  Saml. Postlethwait, John McCurdy.    E. 309.
June 19, 1789. September 12, 1791.
Son Ezekiel Mitchell.
Dau. Susanah.
Son Robert.
Daus. Jean and Ruth.
Exs:  Dau. Ruth Mitchell.
Wit:  Josias Brown, Hannah Brown.  E. 232.
MOUTZ, STOPHEL, miller, Greenwood.  
March 5, 1785. August 1, 1785.
Oldest dau. Barbara Albright, wife of George Albright.
Youngest dau. Elizabeth Whealand.
Grandson Stophel Whealand.
Andrew Struube and Michael Herman.
Exs:  Jacob Buck and Michael Herman.
Wit:  Jacob Fritle(?), Willm. Cook, Philip Mathews.  E. 37-38.
September 17, 1791. December 21, 1791.
Wife Margaret.  
Oldest son John Murray and his son Alexander, a minor.
Oldest dau. Mary Armstrong.
Son Halbert.
Mother-in-law Ann Adams.
Son James.
Dau. Jane Adams.
Sons William, Alexander, Thomas, Richard and dau. Ann.
Some of the children, minors.
Exs:  Wife Margaret, son John Murray and 2nd son Halbert Murray.
Wit:  Alexander Murray, John Morrison.  E. 241.
April 11, 1793. May 31, 1793.
Wife Agness.  
Daus., viz., Margart Nesbit, Mary Fisher, Isabella Murray and Jean 
McCree. Grandsons Alexander Fisher and Alexander Nesbit, minors.
Lands up the river.
James and Margaret Irwin, heirs of Richard Irwin, Dec'd.
Land in Chillisquaka Creek.
Exs:  Wife, William Fisher and Allen Nesbit.
Wit:  James McCree, Elonar McCree.  E. 298.
May 8, 1780. June 2, 1788.
Wife Sophia.
Dau. Margaret.
Sons William, Michael and Thomas Murray.
Dau. Elizabeth.
Exs:  Sophia Murray and Michael Murray.
Wit:  Thomas Gray, Thomas Kensloe.  E. 128.
NEILL, WILLIAM, Baltimore, Md.  
August 13, 1782. Proved in Baltimore Co., Md., 18 April 1785. 
in Cumberland Co., Penna., September 1790.
Wife Isabella.
Present dwelling house in Calvert Street.
Son Alexander, a minor.
Other children, names not given, minors.
Samuel Holmes.
Exs:  Wife Isabella, bro. Thomas Neill, Hercules Courtnay and Joseph 
Donaldson. Wit:  Thorougd. Smith, John Boyd, Danl. Bowly.  E. 189-190. 
NEWTON, EDWARD, West Pennsborough.  
August 16, 1790. August 28, 1790.
Robert McIntire.
William McIntire, son of sd. Robert McIntire.
William McIntire, bro. of sd. Robert.
George Newton, son of Robert Newton, Dec'd, of New Jersey.
Ann Keasby, dau. of Saml. Keasby.
Henry McIntire.
Ann McIntire, wife of sd. Robert.
Exs:  Robert McIntire and John Kelly.
Wit:  James Irwin, David Blean, James Brown.  E. 186.
NICHOLSON, RICHARD, farmer, Newton.  
April 26, 1791. March 6, 1793.
Wife Mary.
Daus. Margery, Sarah, Ann and Margaret.
Sons James and William.
William Stevenson.
Mary Stevenson, dau. of Wm. Stevenson.
Grandson Isaac Shannon.
Two grandsons John and Richard McElwain.
Granddaus. Mary and Ruth McElwain.
James Stevenson, son of John Stevenson, Dec'd.
Grandson Benjamin Gamble.
Exs:  Son James Nicholson and stepson William Stevenson.
Wit:  Hugh Laughlin, Alexr. Laughlin.  E. 281.