Will Abstracts: Surnames A-B

ABRAHAMS, ENOCH, West Pennsborough.  
June 7, 1812. September 12, 1812.
Wife Hannah.
Land joining land of Andrew.
Nine children.
Son Michael Shower and dau. Catherine.
Names of other children not given.
Guardians over minor children:  Andrew Heikes, Andrew Shower and Michael Bear.
Exs:  Wife Hannah, son Michael Abraham and friend John 
Bear. Wit:  Andrew Shower, Michael Bear.  H. 123-126.
ACKERMAN, PAUL, yeoman, Eastpennsborough.  
October 28, 1804. November 17, 1804. Wife Margaret.
Children John, Paul, Margaret and Catherine.
Three youngest children George, Henry and Abraham.
Exs:  George Mann and John Rupley.
Wit:  Michael Hebison, Abraham Neidick.  G. 80.


March 30, 1803. June 1, 1803.
Wife Polly.
Sons James and William.
Youngest dau. Isable, a minor.
Other daus. Polly Adair, Elsey Adair and Sinny Adair.
Exs:  Wife Polly Adair and Samuel Mathers.
Wit:  David Glean, William Dunlap.  F. 357.



March 2, 1780  24 March 1780.
Wife Elizabeth.
Son James, entrusted during his minority to my sister Jean Adair.
Sister Anne Adair.
Exs: Alexander Miller and sister Jean Adair.
Wit: Thos. Dunwoody, Nathaniel Green, A. Holliday. D. 9.


ADAIR, WILLIAM, Carlisle.  
January 20, 1787. July 4, 1787.
Wife Elizabeth.
Bro. Joseph's son John Adair.
Exs:  John Buchanan and Thos. Dixon, both of Carlisle.
Wit:  Thomas Dickson, John Barber, John Pollock.  E. 114.
ADAMS, ABRAHAM, yeoman, East Pennsborough.  
April 26, 1802. September 26, 1803. 
Sons Abraham, William, Samuel and Isaac, youngest son.
Line at lands of John Hawk, Samuel Geddis, John Stagman and James 
McGuire and Henry Ernsberger.
Four daus. Jean, Elizabeth, Nancy and Mary, a minor.
Youngest dau. Maria, a minor.
Grandson Abraham Adams Byson (Bryson).
Exs:  Benjamin Junkin and son Saml. Adams.
Wit:  James McGuire, John Raack, W. Addams.  G. 4-6.
ADAMS, JAMES, yeoman, Tyrone.  
November 16, 1814. March 20, 1815.
Half bro. William Simpson of Huntingdon Co.
The children of William Foster of Tyrone Township, viz., Mary Foster, 
Isabella Foster, Jane Foster and James Foster.
Exs:  Said William Foster and James Foster.
Wit:  Robert Kelly, John Creigh.    H. 316-317.
December 20, 1806. March 19, 1807.
Sisters Betsy, Nancy, Polly and Mariah.
Bro. Isaac Adams.
Exs:  Samuel Adams.
Wit:  James McGuire, Willm. Quigley.  G. 200.
ADAMS, ROBERT, Teboine.  
August 7, 1801. October 21, 1802.
Wife Hanna.
Sons Thomas and Robert.
Three married daus., viz., Letty, Terra and Polly.
Dau. Betsy.
Land adjoining George Lambert's and James Miller's mill.
Exs:  Sons Thomas and Robert Adams.
Wit:  John Nelson, George Douglass, John Kincaid.  F. 328-329.
ADAMS, SAMUEL, Eastpennsbro.  
November 12, 1822. March 13, 1823.
Wife Elizabeth.
Son William who will be of age in May next.
The London place purchased in partnership with William Harkness.
Sons Abraham and Harkness, minors.
Daus. Eliza, Mary and Priscilla, minors.
Exs:  Wife Elizabeth Adams and William Harkness.
Wit:  James Lamberton, R. Lamberton.  I. 294-296.
ADAMS, THOMAS, Senr., Teboin. 
January 30, 1771  13 February 1782.
Wife Katherine.
Son Thomas.
Children: James Adams, John Wats and Elizabeth his wife.
Son Robert.
Exs: Katherine and son Thomas.
Wit: James Watt, Robert Adams. D. 79.
AGNEW, JAMES, Newton.  
April 1, 1797. August 3, 1798.
Brothers and sisters, viz., John, Elizabeth, Matthew, Isaac, Nancy and 
Samuel N. Agnew.
Friend Samuel Hanna and his children that lives with him.
Exs:  None named.
Wit:  James Lang, Willm. Montgomery.
Admin.: James Agnew.  F. 115.
AGNEW, JOHN, Newton. 
January 14, 1783  24 February 1783.
Wife Agness.
Bro. Samuel Agnew and to each of his children, except Matthew and 
James. Sister's son, James Clark and his children.
Sister's dau. Agness and her children.
Sister's dau., Janet and her oldest and youngest child.
Bro. William's children, if they come into this country, within three 
years after peace is declared.
Adam Richy.
Rev. Mr. Linn, in Paxton.
Rev. Mr. Rodgers.
Rev. Mr. Linn, at the big Spring.
To the Congregation of Reformed and Seceeders, at the Big Spring.
Elizabeth Herron.
Wife's dau., Margaret McCoy.
Exs: David Blaine, on Big Spring and John Scouller, miller.
Wit: Samuel Mitchel, John Scouller, Robert Lee. D. 135-136.
AGNEW, JOHN, Carlisle.  
April 2, 1790. April 12, 1790.
To Sarah Wilson, "for long and faithful service," land in Rye Twp.  
Land In Wayne Twp.
Nephew John Henry.
Nephew John Agnew, son of bro. James, of the Kingdom of Ireland.
Ephm. Blaine.
Exs:  Saml. Postlethwaite, John Miller and Samuel Laird of Carlisle.
Wit:  Robert Miller, Jr., John Gesham, John Armor.  E. 173.
ALCORAN, JAMES, Middleton. 
April 21, 1761  8 May 1761.
Wife Mary.
Son James, land in Canogocheague Settlement, adjoining Samuel 
Morehead. Eldest dau. Kathrine, wife of David Steel.
2nd dau. Victoria, her husband William Rankin.
3d dau. Sarah, and her husband Hugh McCormick.
Exs: wife Mary and only son James Alcoran.
Wit: Wm. McClay, Samuel Cunningham, Abram Peoples. A. 88.
ALCORAN, MARY, Middleton. 
February 11, 1762  20 February 1763.
Dau. Cathrin, wife of David Steel.
Dau. Sarah, wife of Hugh McCormick.
Dau. Victoria, wife of William Rankin.
Son James Alcoran.
Grandson Robert, son of son James.
Granddaus. Mary and Jane, daus. of son James Alcoran.
Exs: son James Alcoran.
Guardian over son James three children, John Stewart.
Wit: William Fleming, Willm. Waugh. A. 102-3.
1802. November 20, 1823.
Land in partnership with sister Elizabeth, where we now live on Mount 
Rock Road. 
Dau. Ann Highlands, her husband Thomas Moore Highlands.
Exs:  Sister Elizabeth and Robert McCune.
Wit:  Robert Quigley, John McElroy.
Signature of witnesses sworn to by Robert McBride, Jr. and Joseph Magee.  I. 332.
February 11, 1803. August 6, 1810.
Sister Amelia.
Land held in partnership with said sister on Mount Rock Road where we 
now live. Niece Ann Highlands, dau. of sister Amelia.
Thomas Moore Highlands, husband of sd. niece.
Exs:  Sister Amelia and Robert McCune.
Wit:  Robert Quigley, John McCollam, James Simpson.  G. 154.
ALEXANDER, JAMES, Armaugh, farmer. 
June 14, 1778  23 December 1778.
Wife Elizabeth.
Son John Alexander, land on the west branch of the Susquehanna
River, joining Samuel How and Robert McNitt. Estate in South
Carolina. Estate in North Carolina.
Son James Alexander, land joining Thomas Brown.
Son Jonathan, land on the east end of Kishacoguilas Veley.
Daus. Mary, Elizabeth and Martha Alexander, children, minors.
Exs: James Reed and John Flemin.
Wit: Richard Johnston, William Wilson. C. 134-5.
August 16, 1818. November 11, 1818.
Wife Mary.
Bro. William Alexander of Washington Co. and his son Robert Alexander.
Step sons James Graham and Nathan Graham.
William Alexander Graham (son of sd. James Graham).
Niece Jane Robinson of Baltimore, Maryland.
Mary Graham wife of sd. James Graham and James Graham (son of aforesaid 
James). Exs:  Step son James Graham and John Bailey of Monaghan 
Township, York Co. Wit:  Thomas Carroll, John Bailey.  I. 89-90.
ALEXANDER, THOMAS, farmer, Hopewell.  
September 28, 1778. November 26, 1785. 
Wife Mary.
Son William.
To David. 
Land joining Nicholas Evert.
Daus. Elizabeth, Amey and Margaret Alexander.
Son Joseph Alexander.
Land where James Burns lives, adj. Edd. Shippen, Esq.
Exs:  Wife Mary Alexander and son William Alexander.
Wit:  Joseph Ferguson, Samuel Perry, James Cisney.  E. 55-56.
ALLEMAN, CHRISTOPHER, farmer, Swatara, Dauphin Co.  
September 6, 1802. June 11, 1806. 
Wife Barbara.
Her five children, viz., Peter Sheets, Catherine Swartz, George Sheets, 
Elizabeth Sheets and Anne Alleman.
Mills in Cumberland Co.
Sons Martin, Stophel, Jacob and George, a minor.
Land in Harrison Co., Va.
Dau. Barbara and her husband, George Shiley.
Five other daus., viz., Elizabeth, Christiana, Mottena, Mary and Anne.
Decd. son's two children, Christina and Catharine.
Exs:  Sons Stophel and Jacob.
Wit:  Henry Webber, Elisha Green.  G. 160-161.
ALLEN, DAVID, Carlisle.  
July 30, 1792. December 16, 1792.
Wife Sarah.
Bro. Joseph Allen.
Plantation in Londonderry Twp., Dauphin Co.
John, son of bro. James Allen.
William, son of bro. James Allen.
Plantation in Northumberland Co., near Montoor's Hill.
Bros. James Allen and John Allen.
Nephew Robert Allen, eldest son of bro. James.
David Allen, son of bro. James.
Exs:  Wife Sarah Allen and bro. Joseph Allen.
Wit:  Lemuel Gustine, James Ross, John Jordan.  E. 271-272.
ALLEN, HUGH, Mufflin.  
January 7, 1799. January 21, 1799.
Wife Jenny.
Son John Allen.
Dau. Elizabeth and her husband Robert Barr.
Dau. Jenny Cowan.
All six children, viz., John, Rachel, Mary, Jean, Elizabeth and Jenny.
Exs:  Samuel Bryson and son-in-law Robert Bare.
Wit:  Samuel Bryson, Alexander Laughlin, Esq.
Not signed, Testator died January 8, 1799.  F. 125-127.
ALLEN, JOHN, Frankford.  
February 4, 1817. February 26, 1817.
Bro. James Williams Allen, lots on Eutaw Street, Baltimore.
Anna Laird, dau. of James Laird.
Bro. Samuel, houses and lots on Howard St., Baltimore.
Exs:  Bro. James Williams Allen.
Wit:  John McDowel, Thomas Wallace.  H. 458.
ALLEN, MARY, East Pennsbro.  
May 9, 1805. March 27, 1813.
Miss Margret Irvine and Eliza Waugh, daus. of James Irvine decd. and Revd. Samuel Waugh.
Andrew Irvine son of James Irvine decd.
Mr. Saml. Waugh's son John Waugh.
Exs:  John Irvine and William Irvine.
Wit:  James Bell, Francis Johnston.  H. 158-159.
ALLEN, SARAH, widow, Carlisle.  
February 21, 1794. March 4, 1794.
Nephew David Craig, minor.
Lot adj. Dr. Lemuel Gustine.
Nephew Allen Watson.
Lot adj. Alexander Makehan's (Mahon).
William, bro. of sd. David Craig.
Bro. John Craig.
Sister Mary Sloan's children, viz., George, Isabel, Sarah and Rosana, 
the estate of their grandfather John Craig in possession of Wm. Wilson, 
of Hanover Twp., Dauphin Co.
Sister  Watson.
Bro. John Craig's children by his present wife.
William, the eldest son.
Bro. John, wife and dau.
Exs:  James Ross and William Alexander, Esq.
Wit:  Lemuel Gustine, James Ross, John Jordan.   E. 317-318.
March 28, 1770  11 April 1770.
Wife Elizabeth.
Four children: John, Isabella, Robert and Elizabeth.
Bro. Andrew Allison, now resident in the Parish of Cappe, in the County 
of Tyrone, Ireland.
My sister in Ireland.
Exs: Samuel Penton and Robert Quigley.
Wit: Hugh Laughlin, John Quigley. B. 43.
September 2, 1777  23 February 1779.
Wife Catherine.
Sons John and Patrick.
Dau. Agness McCrea, wife of Robert McCrea.
Son Robert Allison.
Dau. Catherine Hendricks, wife of James Hendricks.
Grandson William McCrea, a minor.
Grandson William Allison, a minor.
Nephew John Allison.
Exs: wife Catherine and son John, Robert and William.
Wit: Elias Davison, Henry Pawling, David Laremor.
August 31, 1772  14 December 1772.
Wife Ann.
Five children, viz., William, Ann, Harmanus, West and James Alricks, 
"if any of said five children die under age of 21 years."
Exs: wife Ann and son William Alricks.
Wit: Frs. West, Ephm. Steel, Robt. Magaw. B. 140-141.
January 7, 1775  26 January 1778.
Wife Ann.
Allen Anderson, bro. John's eldest son.
John Anderson and Rebecca Anderson, the other children of bro. John.Bro. Thomas Anderson, in Ireland, and his three children, their names unknown. Sister Mary Disart, widow in Ireland, and his two children.
The Congregation on the West side of the west Branch of the Conecogige, under the care of the Asstciah Presbytery, Rev. John Rodgers, "he accepting the call of said Congregation."
Nephew Henry Marshall son of bro.-in-law William Marshall.
Henry Wray son of John Wray.
William Anderson son of my kinsman Oliver Anderson.
Henry Anderson and Jenitt, second son and dau. of OliverAnderson.
Rachel Brown, my old servant girl.
To each of the bound children: Allen Speady, Hannah Owens, James Halliday and Isaac Fulton.
Exs: David Humphrey, Oliver Anderson and John Work.
Wit: George Humphrey, Robert Humphrey. C. 120-1.
February 8, 1820. September 18, 1820.
Wife Sarah.
Son Alexander.
Appraisers Michael Hart, Esq., Jonathan Lutes, Hugh Foster, Thomas 
Metzgar and Hugh M. Mullen.
Five of children, viz., Rennix Anderson, William Anderson, Mary Parker, 
Betsy Smith and John Anderson.
Granddau. Polly Oliver.
Exs:  Friend Benjamin Anderson of Allen and son Alexander Anderson.
Wit:  Andrew Mateer, Peter McCann.  I. 178.
ANDERSON, MARY, widow, Carlisle.  
August 7, 1785. September 9, 1785.
Eldest son Allen Anderson.
Granddau. Mary Phillips, minor.
Grandson William Phillips, minor.
Son John.
Exs:  Son John Anderson.
Wit:  William Wallace, John Steel.  E. 42.
December 17, 1801. December 31, 1801.
Sons William and James.
Plantation in Tyrone Township occupied by George Cropah.
Sons Alexander and Samuel, minors.
Land that James Johnston lives on.
Son George.
Oldest dau. Ruth Anderson.
Daus. Margaret Johnston, Ann Douglass and Mary Anderson.
Exs:  John Nelson and son William Anderson.
Wit:  Matthew Shanks, William Campbell, John Bryner.
  F. 255-257.
ANDREWS, ABRAHAM, native of Great Britain, now a Methodist preacher in America.  
March 20, 1800. November 7, 1800.
Youngest son George Andrews in England.
Letter to be sent to him at Mr. George Whitfield's, book stewards, at 
the New Chapel City Road, London.
Exs:  Mr. Jesse Hollingsworth, merchant, Baltimore, Maryland, and Mr. 
Henry Willis, near Baltimore.  
A sure copy sworn to by John Smith and Henry Willis.  F. 196.
ARMOR, WILLIAM, Carlisle.  
August 22, 1820. September 21, 1820.
Wife Rachel.
Seven children, viz., Samuel, Edward, John, James, Sarah, Jean and 
Susan (daus. unmarried).
Lot adjoining Adam Reesinger.
Exs:  Wife Rachel, Robert Irvine and Andw. Blair.
Wit:  James Thompson, George Pattison.  I. 179.
ARMPRESTOR, JACOB, yeoman, Middleton.  
July 7, 1807. October 11, 1808.
Eldest son William.
Granddau. Catherine dau. of son William Armprestor.
Exs:  Jacob Wetzel.
Wit:  John Goudy, Jacob Cornman, John Cornman.  G. 343-344.
ARMSTRONG, ANDREW, East Pennsborough.  
July 21, 1797. February 26, 1800. 
Wife Margret.
Four daus. Nancy Eakins, Isabella Irwin, Rachel Lowry and Jain 
Grayson. Three sons, viz., Andrew, William and John.
Exs:  Sons Andrew Armstrong and William Armstrong.
Wit:  Henry Christy, Jno. Carothers.  F. 166-167.
April 18, 1776  25 June 1771.
Son Andrew.
Son-in-law Thomas Wilson and the children of dau. Jean.
Dau. Isabella wife of Jonathan Hoge.
Daus. Agness, wife of Andrew Erwin, Mary wife of John Carothers and 
Elizabeth Armstrong.
Son Thomas.
Son James.
Son-in-law and the children of dau. Margaret.
Exs: wife and son William.
Wit: David Hoge, James Oliver, James Cormick. B. 90-91.
ARMSTRONG, JAMES, Frankford.  
November 9, 1797. January 22, 1798.
Wife Sarah.
John Officer's three children by dau. Agness, when of age.
Dau. Jenny Bratton, wife of Samuel Bratton.
Daus. Susannah wife to James Kenneday, Sarah wife to Robert Patterson, 
Mary wife of Alexander Johnston and Rebecca, single.
Grandchild Rebecca Bratton.
Exs:  John Brown and Adam Bratton.
Wit:  Horas Bratton, Thomas Kenneday.  F. 96-97.
ARMSTRONG, JOHN, Tuscarora Valley, yeoman. 
March 3, 1770  10 June 1772.
Wife Eleanor.
Son John.
Sons James, William and Joseph, to be sent to trades.
Son George.
Dau. Mary Armstrong.
Dau. Isabell.
Exs: David Wallace and George McConnel of Valley aforesaid.
Wit: David Hosack, David Moore. B. 120.
ARMSTRONG, JOHN, Middleton. 
July 20, 1778  18 August 1778.
Bros. Joseph, James, William, Thomas and Andrew.
Exs: Mother, Ann Armstrong and Saml. Hope.
Wit: James Floyd, Robert Dickey, Wm. Moore. C. 114.
ARMSTRONG, JOHN, Carlisle.  
-- February 1795. July 25, 1797.
Wife Rebeccah.
Sons James and John.
Rebeccah Turner of Chester Co.
Bro. Andrew of the Kingdom of Ireland.
Plantation in Middleton Twp.
Exs:  Wife Rebeccah and sons James and John Armstrong.
Wit:  George Patterson, David Lindsay, Willm. Lyon.  F. 76-77.
September 3, 1760  25 January 1761.
Wife Jennet.
Eldest son John Armstrong, plantation in Orange Co., North Carolina.
Son Thomas Armstrong, land between Robert Elliot's and Wilm. Rankin's.
Sons Joseph and James Armstrong, land purchased from Chapman.
Son William Armstrong, land purchased from James Veley. Dau. Katharine 
Armstrong, otherwise Kathrine Correy.
Dau. Margret, if she contracts marriage with consent of executors, she 
is to receive 50 lbs.
Exs: sons John, Thomas and Joseph.
Wit: Robert Elliott, John Stewart, Nathl. Willson. A. 79-80.
ARMSTRONG, MARGARET, widow of Andrew Armstrong.  
February 12, 1805. October 13, 1807. 
Son William Armstrong.
Grandson Andrew Armstrong, natural son of son Andrew Armstrong decd.
Exs:  Son John Armstrong and William Irvine of East Pennsborough 
Township. Wit:  George Wereheim, Conrad Wereheim, Joseph Junkin.  G. 263.
ARMSTRONG, ROBERT, yeoman, Fermanagh.  
June 24, 1783. January 21, 1785. 
Bro. George's eldest dau. Ann.
Said George's second dau. Sarah.
Sister Eliza.'s dau. Sarah.
Bro. Alexr. youngest son Robert, a minor.
Sd. Alexr.'s eldest dau. Mary, and his eldest son James.
Sarah Pawley, wife of John Pawley.
Bro. Alexr.'s son George, sd. Alexr.'s dau. Sarah.
Land in Greewood Twp. adj. late Richard Hays.
Exs:  James Armstrong, bro. Alex's son, and Epinetas Hart. 
Wit:  Mary Hart, Willm. Sketch (Stretch?).  E. 11.
ARMSTRONG, ROBERT, Petersburgh.  
May 17, 1799. December 17, 1801.
Wife Ann.
Dau. Rebecca Clark, wife of James Clark, and her two sons, viz., John 
Armstrong Clark and Armstrong Clark.
Dau. Catherine Baskins, Mary Kemplin.
Exs:  Wife Ann and Col. James Cowden.
Wit:  Alexander Power, Nathan Vanfossen, Robert Chambers, Philip 
Swisser.  F. 251-252.
ARMSTRONG, THOMAS, Middleton Township. 
June 28, 1756  20 August 1756.
Wife Jane. Dau. Mary. Sons James and Thomas.
Reference to Mary's deceased brother's share.
Guardians of three children, James Armstrong and John Chambers.
Exs: Arthur Forster and Andrew Armstrong.
Wit: Thomas Wilson, John Forster, Andrew Dalton. A. 36.
August 22, 1780  22 November 1780.
Wife Margaret.
Farm on Conadoguenet Creek, adjoining lands of Alexander Brown, Joseph 
Samples and Andrew Armstrong.
Three sisters: Margaret Irwin, Jean Moore and Mary Moffit.
Exs: bro.-in-law, William Irwin and Cousin Irish William Irwin.
Wit: Saml. Laird, Henry Makinly. D. 239-240.
November 1770  10 January 1771.
Wife Jane.
Two sons John and William.
Three daus. Susannah Armstrong, Charity Armstrong and Elizabeth Armstrong.
Son Alexander, lane on which he now is on, north side of the
Conodoguinet Creek.
Dau. Mary, wife of Robert Sanderson.
Dau. Lacy wife of Ralph Nailer.
Extx.: wife Jean Armstrong.
Wit: Thomas Wilson, James Young, Edmond Moran. B. 74-75.
ARMSTRONG, WILLIAM, East Pennsborough. 
March 14, 1777  7 July 1777.
Wife Margaret.
To bro Andrew's children.
Bro. Thomas' children.
Children of sister Wilson, decd. sister Hoge, her children.
Sister Temple, her children.
Andrew Irwin, his children.
Sister Ann Irwin, her children.
Sister Mary Carrithers, her children.
Sister Sharron, her children.
Bro. James, his son William.
Bro. James' dau. Mary.
Exs: wife Margaret and bros.-in-law, James Irwin, and John 
Carrithers. Wit: Walter Buchanan, William Marshall, James Johnston. C. 46-7. 
October 4, 1784. March 16, 1785.
Wife Rebecca.
Nephew James McCord.
Land adj. Willson's Tract.
Indentured girl Nancy McLearn.
Land adj. David Steel on the River Juniata.
Exs:  Thomas Martin, William Smith and Captain William Armstrong.
Wit:  James Lyon, Edw. Purcell, Plunket Armstrong, Robert Martin son 
of Thomas Martin.  E. 6-10.
May 28, 1813. April 21, 1815.
Sister in law Margaret Armstrong wife of bro John.
Two bros. and two sisters, viz., Alexander Armstrong, John Armstrong, 
Jean Nelson and Elizabeth Hervey.
Exs:  Bro. John Armstrong and Andrew Carothers, Esq. of Carlisle.
Wit:  William Anderson, James Hackett.  H. 326.
ASPY, THOMAS, Hamilton Township. 
June 11, 1755  8 August 1755.
Wife Eleanor. 
Sons Thomas and James. 
Daus., Jean and Elizabeth, a minor. 
Sons- in-law, Jas. Carson and Wm. Kerr.
Exs: wife Eleanor and son Thomas.
Wit: Matthew Arthur, Ed. Richey. A. 30.
ATCHISON, JOHN, Pennsborough Township, Cumberland Co. 
November 1, 1753  24 May 1754. 
Wife Chatherine. 
Dau. Mary.
Sister-in-law Agness Hutton.  
Cousin, Marget Wiley.
Ex.: William Patton.
Wit: Allen Leeper, John Patton. A. 28.
AUCHER, CASPAR, Greenwood.  
November 10, 1813. January 10, 1814.
Wife Mary.
Son Jacob.
Other children.
Exs:  Son Peter Aucher and Michael Brand of Milford.
Wit:  James Gilfillen, Daniel Stall.  H. 238-239.
April 2, 1811. September 10, 1812.
Wife Nancy.
Lots adjoining lots of H. H. Brackinridge and James Givin.
My mother who lives with me.
Sons John and Jacob.
Dau. Nancy.
All minors.
Exs:  William Alexander, John Boden and William Ramsey, Esq.
Wit:  Andrew Boden, Robt. McCoy.  H. 119-122.
BACKMAN, CATHERINE, widow, Derry, Dauphin Co.  
August 2, 1804. April 24, 1816. Son Christian.
To my own children.
Step dau. Elizabeth wife of John Wilhelm.
Exs:  Friends Christian Coffman and John Risser, both of Derry 
Township, Dauphin Co.
Wit:  William Hamilton, James Hamilton.  H. 396.
BAIR, SAMUEL, wheelright, Buffaloe.  
April 7, 1819. May 12, 1819.
Three sons John, Samuel and Jacob.
Youngest dau. Margaret Bair.
Other daus. Catherine Myers, Elizabeth Stephen and Mary Page.
Ex.:   Oldest son John Bair. 
Wit:  James Finton, Jacob Huggins.  I. 122.
BAIRD, JOHN, Eastpensborough. 
June 23, 1778  10 August 1778.
Wife Margret.
Dau. Hester and her two oldest children, Elizabeth and Margret.
Son John.
Daus. Elizabeth, Hannah and Margret, minors.
To two sons-in-law, David Moore and James Dunning, in right of my daus.,
Hester and Elizabeth.
Exs: Robert Whitehill, John Boggs and Wm. Geddis.
Wit: John Quigley, John Carothers. C. 110-111.
BAIRD, JOHN, West Pennsborough.  
November 4, 1793. January 18, 1794.
James Carothers, Sr., sole legatee.
Ex.:  John Carothers.
Wit:  Nicholas Laing, James Walsh.  E. 312.
BAIRD, SAMUEL, Armagh.  April 8, 1788. August 13, 1788.
Wife Martha.
Children, viz., John, James, Martha and Agness.
Plantation in Westmoreland Co.
Sons William and Samuel.
Heirs of dau. Mary.
Son Hugh Baird.
Grandson Samuel (son of Hugh Baird), a minor.
Exs:  Wife Martha, son John Baird and John Wilson.
Wit:  John Wilson, John Cooper, James Cowan.  E. 129-130.
BAKER, JONATHAN, Westpennsbro.  
October 5, 1821. October 31, 1821.
Wife Catherine.
Father in law Andrew Heikes.
Children, minors.
Son to go to my father in Canada.
Exs and Guardians of children:  John Heikes and John Hawenstine.
Wit:  Samuel Allen, John Bear.  I. 217-218.
BAKER, MAGDALENE, Frankford.  
February 22, 1814. August 15, 1818.
Son John Bock.
Dau. Machtelina Darr.
Exs:  Son John Bock and son in law Henry Darr.
Wit:  Henry Snyder, Daniel Reoe.  I. 82-83.
BAKER, PHILIP, Middleton.  
April 18, 1798. April 28, 1798.
Wife Catherine. Three children, viz., Michael, Jacob and William, 
minors. Aged father.
Exs:  Bro. John Baker and Peter Fishburn.
Wit:  William Levis, Saml. Postlethwait, Saml. McCoskry, John Dunbar.  F. 102.
April 30, 1770  20 June 1770.
Eldest son, James.
Second son, Augustus.
Son George, minor.
Daus. Wilimina Balla and Mary Balla.
Grandson Jonathan Shelby.
Dau. Elizabeth.
Exs: wife and son James Balla.
Wit: Wm. John, Evan Shelby, John Harod. B. 52.
April 12, 1777  26 April 1777.
Wife Catrina. First born son John George, son George Philips.
Exs: George Bennedsh and Catrina Baner.
Wit: John Reenaeck, Henry Ernsberger, Pater Albert. C. 6-7.
BARNET, JOHN, Hamilton. 
January 23, 1767  7 April 1767.
Wife Mary.
Bro. William's child John Barnet.
Bro. Thomas.
Bro. Hugh's son, John Barnet.
Bro. Robert Donaldson.
My father.
Exs: Father Thomas Barnet of Hamilton, and wife Mary Barnet.
Wit: James Patterson, Isaac Patterson. A. 161-2.
October 30, 1771  12 November 1771.
Son-in-law Robert Donelson.
Son Hugh Barnett.
Son-in-law William Gothery and his wife.
Grandson, son to my son William Barnett, Dec'd.
Son Thomas.
Jane Straghan.
Hugh, son of Thomas Barnett, June
Exs: Thomas Beard and Thomas Barnett, junr.
Wit: Jane Straghan, John Gothery. B. 104.
June 1, 1799. July 22, 1802.
Wife Jenny.
Dau. Molly, a minor.
Son Jacob, decd.
Sons John, Adam, Henry and Samuel Barnhisle.
Dau. Mattena Lupfer.
Exs:  Wife Jenny Barnhisle and son Samuel.
Wit:  Thomas McClure, John Dunbar, George Stroop.  F. 314.
BARTON, VALENTINE, inn keeper, Eastpennsboro.  
November 2, 1821.  November 28, 1821. 
Wife Letty.
Father Joseph Barton.
Mother February Barton.
Bros. Isaac, James, Joseph and John and sister Polly Barton.
Exs:  Wife Letty and Alexander Wills, Esq.
Wit:  Joseph Kelso, William Kelso.  I. 222.
BASKIN, ROBERT, fuller, Buffaloe.  
August 25, 1813. June 26, 1815.
Wife Catherine.
Daus. Jane Watts and Mary Baskin.
Three sons John, Oliver and Robert.
Exs:  Son John Baskin and bro. Thomas Baskin.
Wit:  Geo. McGinnes, Wm. Montgomery.
Codicil:  August 25, 1814.
Wit:  Frazer Montgomery.  H. 338-339.
January 30, 1788.  February 11, 1788.
Wife Elizabeth.
Daus. Elizabeth McCay, Catherine Stephen, Sarah Dougherty and Jane 
Jones. Sons Mitchell Baskins and Francis Baskins.
Exs:  Frederick Watts, David Watts and son Mitchell Baskins.
Wit:  Cornelius Atkinson, Jr., Patrick Martin, David Watts.  E. 117.
BAUM, JONAS, Derry.  
October 1, 1784. April 21, 1785.
Wife Eve.
Nine children, names not given, three youngest minors.
Letters to Eve Baum and John Baum.
Exs:  None appointed.
Wit:  James Burns, Frederick Baum, Robert Buchanan.  E. 24.
BAUMAN, SAMUEL, East Pennsboro.  
June 5, 1802. November 18, 1807.
Wife Catherine.
Ground in Harrisburg, Dauphin Co.
Son Henry.
Plantation on Susquehanna River, Buffaloe Township.
Dau. Susanna, her husband and children.
Son John.
Exs:  Son John Bauman and Christian Mohler.
Wit:  Danl. Fahnestock, Obed Fahnestock, Benjn. Kutz.  G. 270-273.
BAUR, MARTIN, free holder, Middleton.  
August 19, 1777. January 14, 1786. 
Wife Elizabeth Catherine.
Only son Martin.
Daus. Mary, Catherine and Elizabeth.
Exs:  Son Martin Baur.
Wit:  Jacob Snibul, Jronny [sic] Kayt, Henry Eby.  E. 58-59.
BAVARD, ROBERT, West Pennsborough. 
August 8, 1774  10 February 1775.
Wife Hanah.
Sons, James and William.
Dau. Sarah, wife of Archibald Stewart, and her second son.
Dau. Rebekah, wife of Samuel Hunter.
Daus. Mary, Hanah and Margret, when they marry.
Sons, viz., Robert, Charles and Oliver.
Exs: wife and James Jack.
Wit: John Bowman, Robt. McFarlane, Jas. Leeper. B. 184-186.
September 5, 1757  23 September 1767.
Wife Jean.
Son Allen, to be bound to Wm. Gass, to learn the art and mystery of the 
clothiers trade.
Dau. Elizabeth.
Exs: wife, Jean and William Gass.
Wit: James Lindsay, Jos. Lindsay. A. 171.
BAXTER, JAMES, Tyrone.  
August 9, 1808. December 2, 1812.
Nephew William Baxter's youngest dau. Martha, a minor, his sons John, 
Robert and James and sd. nephew.
William's other daus. Jenny and Elizabeth.
Nephew James Baxter.
Niece Margaret Baxter.
Exs:  Thomas Simonton, James Baxter and Jno. Baxter.
Wit:  Abraham Kistler, Henry Shoemaker.  H. 142.
February 5, 1796. August 28, 1801.
Dau. Martha Hunter.
Jennet Officer.
Niece, Jenny Baxter.
Sons James and William.
Exs:  Sons James Baxter and William Baxter.
Wit:  Enoch Anderson, Robert Ewing, James Maxwell.  F. 233.
BAXTER, LEAH, Tyrone. 
December 20, 1769  4 March 1771.
Nephew John Baxter, oldest son of bro. James.
Exs: Mathew Caldwell and Mathew Gregg.
Wit: Samuel Fisher, James Baxter.
Codicil names sister Elizabeth Baxter and two nieces, Martha and
Jennet Baxter. B. 92.
December 9, 1801. November 9, 1815.
Wife Margret.
Sons and dau., when youngest child comes of age, names of children not 
given. Exs:  Wife Margret Baxter and bro. James Baxter.
Wit:  William McClintock, Martha Hunter, Joseph Hunter.  H. 355-356.
March 24, 1820. April 17, 1820.
Decd. husband Christopher Bealman.
Dau. Sarah, decd. wife of Abraham Leamer.
Sons David Bealman, decd., and Jacob Bealman, decd.
Estate of father John Brenizer and bro. Michael Brenizer.
Daus. Elizabeth wife of John Smith, Christina wife of John Mumper, 
Barbara wife of George Brandt, Mary Bealman and Ammy Bealman.
Sons John, Christian and George.
Children of dau. Sarah Leamer, decd.
Children of dau. Catherine, now wife of Robert Heltrick.
Exs:  Son George Bealman.
Wit:  John Rode, Jno. Bailey.   I. 160-161.
BEAR, HENRY, West Pennsborough.  
February 21, 1810. March 27, 1813.
Two sons John and Samuel.
Daus. Susanna and Magdalene and her husband Martin Bowman.
Exs:  Sons John Bear, Samuel Bear and Michael Bear.
Wit:  Samuel Bear, John Bear, Junr.  H. 160-161.
BEARD, DAVID, farmer, Tyrone.  
April 24, 1799. January 22, 1801.
Wife Jennet.
Dau. Jean Kelly.
Sons David and John Beard.
James Elliott.
Exs:  Son David Beard and James Divers.
Wit:  John Ross, David Robb.  F. 209.
March 30, 1785. April 4, 1785.
Mother Rebecca Sterret.
William Smith son of Robert Smith of Carlisle.
Bros. Robert Beard and John Beard.
Samuel Robinson and John Boggs.
Exs:  Friend Robert Smith and bro. John Beard.
Wit:  William McSherry, William Smith.  E. 20.
BEARD, WILLIAM, East Pennsborough. 
May 24, 1762  26 May 1764.
Wife Rachel, sole heir and extx.
Wit: Thos. Williamson, John Glenn. A. 121-22.
October 27, 1771  2 September 1772.
Wife Catharine.
Sons William and James.
Daus. Elizabeth and Margaret.
Three sons, Walter, John and Henry, plantation at or near Brushy Run, 
"where the Lottery of Locations was drawn in Philadelphia."
Exs: William Beaty and John Moorehead, both of Antrim Township.
Wit: James Johnston, Thos. Johnston, John Richey. B. 128-129.
BEATTY, JAMES, Greenwood.  
January 11, 1795. March 7, 1795.
Bros. William and John.
Sister Elizabeth Marshall.
Exs:  Bros. Robert and Joseph.
Wit:  David Miller, James Craven, James Sterrett.  E. 342.
BEATTY, SAML., Ensign, 2 Regt. U.P.L.,  Letter purporting to be the 
last will, "Miami River, fifty miles from its mouth." September 24, 
1791. Letters February 11, 1794. Commission with Mr. Wilky (Wilkins), 
merchant, in Pittsburgh, now in Fort Washington.  
Mr. Brotherton.
Major Butler.
Wit:  Alexander Power and James Beatty.
Admin.: Alexander Power and James Beatty.
The Dec'd was killed at Saint Mary's in the defeat of Genl. St. 
Clair, by the Indians, November 4, 1791.  E. 316.
BEATY, JOHN, Cordwinder, Rye.  
July 9, 1784. October 22, 1790.
Wife Margaret.
Oldest son William.
Sons Andrew, James and John.
Other children, viz., Robert, Elizabeth, Alexander, Samuel and Joseph.
Grandson James.
Exs:  Sons Andrew and John Beaty.
Wit:  Hugh Miller, Hugh Miller, Jr.  E. 201-202.
BECHTEL, JACOB, Westpennsborough.  
July 25, 1806. September 2, 1806.
Wife Veronia.
Sons Henry, Samuel, Martin and John.
Daus. Elizabeth, Maria and Magdalena.
Exs:  Son in law Henry Shenk and Henry Bowman.
Wit:  John Leidy, John Bear.  G. 175-177.
BECKER (BAKER), JOHN, Middleton.  
September 29, 1806. August 15, 1810.
Wife Catharina.
Four sons William, George, Philip and Martin, minors.
Plantation purchased from John Creigh, Esq., and Ross Mitchell.
Plantation in Rapho Township, Lancaster Co., adjoining land of Widow 
Reigh, Jacob Meshey and others.
Daus. Catherine wife of John Finkly, Margaret wife of Henry Matthews 
and Elizabeth.
Exs:  Wife Catharina, Wm. Becker and Philip Beeker.
Wit:  James Cameron, Jacob Eyler, Geo. Logue.  H. 57-59.
BEDFORD, ZOPHER [CHRISTOPHER?], late of Hanover Township, Morris
Co., Province of East New Jersey, now of Cumberland Co., PA. 
24 March 1763  15 July 1763.
Wife Elizabeth.
Eldest son David. 
Son Zopher.
Remainder of estate to be divided between surviving children.
Exs: wife Elizabeth, Moses Young of Hanover, Morris Co., East N.J.
Wit: Jonas Bedford, Mary Bedford, Stephen Morehouse. A. 109.
BELL, SAMUEL, Shippensburg.  
October 2, 1823. October 9, 1823.
Sisters Elizabeth married to James Jones, Martha married to James 
McCausland, Rosanna married to Andrew McCord and Sarah married to Samuel Redett, Esq.
Friend Ebenezer Wills of Shippensburg.  
Miss Rebecca Mull of Shippensburg.
Exs:  Samuel Redett, Esq., of Shippensburg.
Wit:  Peter Hertzler, George Croft.
Codicil:  October 3, 1823.
Step sister Nancy Bell.
Natural daus. Polly Bell dau. of Charlotte Bailey in or near Rockingham 
Co., Va., Charlotte Kessler, minor dau. of Betty Kessler and Eliza 
Beaver minor dau. of Sarah Beaver.
Wit:  Ebenezer Wills.  I. 317-318.
BELL, SARAH, widow of James Bell, East Pennsbro.  
April 15, 1819. June 21, 1819. Sons Thomas and William.
Daus. Polly, Jane Dunlap and Rebecca wife of Thomas Williamson.
Grandson John Culbertson.  
Rev. John Riley.
Exs:  Sons Thomas Bell and William Bell.
Wit:  John Davidson, Tho. Urie.  I. 127.
BELL, SARAH, Eastpennsborough.  
September 24, 1794. April 24, 1804.
Dau. Sarah.
Three sons Robert, James and David.
Exs:  Said sons Robert, James and David Bell.
Wit:  Jno. Carothers, Mary Carothers.  G. 33.
BELL, WILLIAM, Hopewell.  
March 17, 1799. January 18, 1806.
Dau. Margaret wife of Andrew McLean.
Dau. in law Rosanna Bell.
Grandchildren William and Walter Bell, sons of son William Bell decd.
Lot of ground in Shippensburgh, adjoining lots of David McKnight and 
James McClintock.
Exs:  James Henderson and Walter Bell.
Wit:  Samuel Henderson, Adam Harkson, James Waddel.  G. 135.
BEYENER, JOHN, Shippensburg.  
July 1, 1801. August 5, 1801.
Wife Elizabeth.
Son Jacob and dau. Elizabeth, minors.
Exs:  Jacob Rham of Shippensburg.
Wit:  Frederick Sheply, N. Krehl, John Heck.  F. 230.
January 18, 1791. January 9, 1796.
The children of dau. Christiana Moler.
Exs:  John Brindle and Jacob Wise.
Wit:  Wm. Scott, Jacob Gensiul.  F. 6.
BIGARD, JAMES   Pennsborough Twp.
October 20, 1749      November 7, 1749
Wife: Elizabeth Bigard. 
Children: Moses, Nathan, William, Joseph, Margaret, Aliab., Samuel and John.
Ex.: Elizabeth and James Bigard.
April 18, 1778  21 October 1778.
Agness Bigger, eldest dau. of bro. Andrew Biggar, a minor.
Sister Martha Bigger.
Father and Mother.
Bros. John Ezekiel and Andrew Bigger, land adjoining William McCowell.
Ex.: Andrew Bigger.
Wit: Hugh Gibson, John Wilson. C. 126.
June 8, 1803. January 10, 1804.
Sister Esther Bryson.
Jane Trimble, and her grandmother, widow Quigley.
James Bryson's son William Biggert Bryson.
William Bryson and his son Robert.
John Quigley, up the river's, eldest son.
James Quigley, Henry's son.
Christopher Quigley, the younger, C. Quigley's son.
C. Quigley's daus. Jane and Nancy.
Margaret Glass and her son Daniel.
James Graham's two sons.
Widow Quigley's Polly.
Alexander Quigley.
Jane Bryson.
Pricillah Bryson.
Sarah Miller, former Sarah Quigley.
John Quigley, widow Quigley's son.
Exs:  William Bryson and Henry Quigley, Senr.
Wit:  C. Quigley, Widow Quigley.  G. 18.
November 12, 1799. January 10, 1804.
Wife Jane, sole heir.
Exs:  Wife Jane and Wm. Bryson.
Wit:  C. Quigley, William McTeer.  G. 18.
BIGHAM, JOHN, Middleton. 
March 26, 1777  9 June 1778.
Wife Jean. 
Robert Bigham and Hugh Bigham, now living in York Co., my cusons. 
Exs: Jean Bigham and Robert Patterson.
Wit: Robert Patterson, Thomas Henderson. C. 106-7.
BILLO, PETER, Senr., Rye.  
April 16, 1816. March 10, 1819.
Sons Peter and George.
Daus. Elizabeth Newcomer, Margaret Swartz, Mary Shade, Caty, Lydia and 
Leina. Son Jacob, a minor.
Dau. Sally.
Ex.:   Son George Billo.
Wit:  Alexr. Rodgers, Christian Emminger.  I. 113-114.
BITTNER, JOHN, Shippensburgh.  
May 30, 1818. August 21, 1818.
Children George, Margaret Bitner now a widow, Peter, Susannah wife of 
Jonathan Bittner, Mary Bitner single woman, Jane now Jane Cobaugh, 
Michael, Martha wife of Wm. Miller and Jacob Bitner.
Ex.:   William Devor.
Wit:  George Smith, Jno. Ealy.
Codicil: July 17, 1818.
Wit:  Jacob Bitner, Sarah McBride.  I. 91.
BIXLER, JACOB, West Pennsborough.  
October 30, 1823. March 10, 1824.
Wife Mary.
Five children, viz., Leah, Samuel, Mary and Jacob.
Land adjoining Samuel Bear.
Exs:  Daniel Dener and John Heikes.
Wit:  Charles Knettlewell, Ephraim Bear.  I. 355.
BLACK, JAMES, Juniatta.  
December 30, 1808. January 12, 1809.
Sons John and William.
Daus. Mary, Jane, Rebecca, Abigail, a minor, and Sally, a minor.
Three youngest sons, minors, viz., James, Jonathan and George.
Dau. Nancy intermarried with Robert Elliott.
Dau. Jane, decd.
Exs:  Sons John Black, William Black and Thomas Simonton.
Wit:  Amos Jordan, Francis Jordan.  G. 359-361.
BLACK, JOHN, Sr., Tyrone.  
April 9, 1790. September 28, 1790.
Wife Abigal.
Son James Black.
Plantation in Rye Twp.  
Sons John, George, William, Samuel.
Dau. Jean and her husband Jonathan Robinson.
Dau. Rachel and her husband Thomas Stevenson.
Dau. Rebekah and her husband, Samuel Shaw.
Son Jonathan.
Granddau. Abigal McCrakon.
Granddau. Rebekah McCrakon.
Grandson John McCrakon.
To my eight grandsons named John.
Exs:  Sons George Black and Jonathan Black.
Wit:  William Elliott, James Elliott, Robert Elliott.  E. 195.
BLACK, JOHN, Juniatta.  
May 14, 1810. August 22, 1820.
Wife Mary.
Five sons, names not given.
Land in Racoon Valley.
Donation lands in Craford Co.
Daus. Mary Ramsey, Hester Wiseman, Jean Meredith, Abigail Carson and 
Rebecca Matteer.
Lands in Buffaloe Township and in French Creek bought from Francis 
Wadle. Exs:  Wife Mary and son Robinson Black.
Wit:  Philip Klinger, William Black.
At time of probate, Philip Klinger being out of State of Penna., Abm. 
Fulwiler and Nicholas Ikass, witnesses to signature.  I. 172-173.
BLACK, WILLIAM, farmer, Allen.  
November 14, 1785. April 12, 1786.
Wife Susannah.
Son John.
Sons George and William, minors.
Daus. Ann, Ruth, Rachel, Mary and Lydia.
Exs:  Son John Black and James Kightley.
Wit:  George Eppley, Jacob Knop.  E. 94-95.
BLACKWOOD, WILLIAM, farmer, Westpennsboro.  
August 13, 1803. November 30, 1803. 
Wife Mary.
Eldest son James.
2nd son John.
Daus. Agness and Mary.
Son William.
Sons George, Robert and Moses.
Some of children, minor.
Exs:  Wife Mary and son William Blackwood.
Wit:  Daniel McDonald, Junr., William Dunlap, John Chambers.  G. 16.
BLAINE, EPHRAIM, Middleton.  
February 1, 1800. March 19, 1804.
Wife Sarah Elizabeth.
Son Ephraim, a minor.
Grandson Ephraim, son to son James.
Sons James and Robert.
Grandson Ephraim, son to son Robert.
Exs:  Sons James Blaine, Robert Blaine and David Watts.
Wit:  James Armstrong, H. Miller, D. Watts.  G. 27-28.
BLAINE, JAMES, Toboin.  
August 11, 1792. May 19, 1794.
Wife Elizabeth.
Son James Shadden Blaine.
Dau. Margaret Blain.
Son Alexander.
Daus. Eleanor Lions, Agness McMurray, Mary Davidson and Isabella 
Mitchell. Son James Carshaden Blaine and other children, not of age.
Exs:  Son Ephraim Blain and wife Elizabeth Blaine.
Wit:  James Carshadan, John Morrison, Jas. Morrison.   E. 330.
BLAINE, WILLIAM.  ----. February 2, 1792.
Wife (no name).
Eldest dau. Mary.
Sons Alexander, William, Ephraim and James Armstrong.
Boys all to be put to trades.
Exs:  Samuel Lyon and John Armstrong.
Wit:  Thomas Purdy, Robert Hunter.  E. 242.
February 13, 1769  24 May 1769.
Plantation, 200 a. and Negro man and woman to be sold.
Wife Elizabeth.
Son Thomas Blair, 10 lbs.
Son-in-law John Holliday.
Son-in-law William McGibbin, tract in partnership with William Alison, 
300 a., for which I obtained a warrant in Fennet Township, adjoining 
land of John Elliot, Robert Willson and Alexander Lowry; also Negro boy 
Bob. Dau. Kathrine Blair, minor, 200 lbs.
Grandson John Blair, son of Thomas Blair, 130 a., in the Shade Valley 
which I purchased of John McClellan.
Step sister Elizabeth Black, debt due me by estate of Robert Baker, 
Dec'd., 5 lbs., 6 shillings.
Exs: John Holliday and Thomas Blair, son and son-in-law, and wife 
Elizabeth and James Maxwell.
Wit: Robert Anderson, Robert Moore, Will: Maxwell. B. 21-23.
BLAIR, WILLIAM, Carlisle.  
January 24, 1800. January 17, 1803.
House and lot in Carlisle adjoining lots of John Delaney and John 
Cecigh. Son Mark.
Dau. Jane.
Children of decd. son William.
Dau. Rebecca wife of Charles McClure.
Son Isaiah.
Exs:  Son Isaiah Blair and John Creigh.
Wit:  Saml. McCoskry, Ja. Duncan, Robert Duncan.  F. 338.
29 December  5 June 1758.
To be interred at burying place at Fort Agusta, at discretion of my good Capt. Shippen.
Sole heir, Margt. Reed, dau. of James Reed, in Paxton.
Ex.: James Reed.
Wit: John McAllister, Philip Boyle, John Harris. A. 54.
BLEAN, DAVID, farmer, Westpennsborough.  
October 9, 1801. January 19, 1805. 
Wife Isabella.
Son Robert Blean.
Grandchildren John, David and William Blean, children of son Robert, 
the son of Isabella Hill, now my wife aforesaid.
Exs:  Son Robert Blean.
Wit:  William Duncan, Jno. Geddis, John Carson.  G. 99.
BLOGHER, MATHIAS, mason, Greenwood.  
January 10, 1805. November 13, 1806. 
Wife Sophia.
Eleven children, viz., Christian, Jacob, Catherine wife of Michael 
Riddle, Susana widow of Andrew Sneisgood, Peter, John, George, Mathias, 
Daniel, David and Elizabeth wife of Jacob Haist.
Five children of dau. Susana and Andrew Sneisgood decd.
Exs:  Wife Sophia Blogher and John Burns.
Wit:  Catherine Blogher, Albert Rule, Fredk. Wendt.  G. 189-190.
BLYTH, BENJAMIN, Senr., Southampton.  
October 20, 1801. June 12, 1807.
Son Benjamin, his sons and daus. and his present wife.
Son in law William Leeper, dau. Hannah Leeper, his wife and their 
children. Son in law William Boyd, dau. Elizabeth, his wife.
Grandson Benjamin Boyd, minor son of dau. Elizabeth.
Granddau. Hannah Reynolus Blyth, minor dau. of son Jacob Blyth decd.
Grandsons Patrick Watson and Benjamin Blyth Watson, minor sons of dau. 
Abigail Watson decd.
Granddaus. Margaret McCall and Abigail Watson, minor daus. of dau. 
Abigail Watson decd.
Sons John and Samuel.
Estate of son in law John Reynolds, Esq., decd.
Exs:  Friends Samuel Mathers and David McKnight and grand son in law 
John Shippen.
Wit:  Robert Peebles, John Shippen.  G. 243-249.
BOB, NICHOLAS, East Pennsborough.  
June 11, 1811. June 17, 1817.
Second son George.
Minor children of son John, decd., viz., George and John Bob and 
Margaret, Magdalena and Elizabeth Bob.
Son Michael.
Daus. Catherina wife of John Evers, Magdalena wife of William Free, 
Elizabeth wife of John Herman, Barbara and Margaret Bob.
Exs:  Son George Bob and friend John Sailor.
Wit:  Peter Phillips, John Greklin.  I. 18-20.
BOEH, JOHN GEORGE GODFREID, yeoman, Mifflin.  
February 18, 1812. June 7, 1817. 
Step bro. Jacob Christlieb residing in Harnson Co., Virginia.
Nephews George, Samuel, Abraham, William, Isaac, John and Jacob 
Christlieb, sons of said Jacob Christlieb.
Second step bro. Charles Christlieb.
Children of said Charles, viz., John, George, Charles, Isaac, Jacob, 
Sarah and Solomon.
Exs:  Step bro. Charles Christlieb and Jacob Knettle.
Wit:  James Harper, Thomas McCormick.
Codicil:  October 21, 1812.
To grand nephews John and George Christlieb, sons of nephew George 
Christlieb and John Scouller, Ex. in place of Jacob Knettle.  I. 8-11.
February 21, 1779  12 March 1779.
Dau. Margaret.
Son Adam Boles.
John Whitten.
Granddau. Elizabeth Whitten.
Grandson, Henry Boles.
Granddau. Mary Sharp.
Grandson Swanzey Whitten.
Grandson John Robertson.
Granddau. Margaret Robinson.
Dau.-in-law Katrin Boles.
Nephew William Swanzey.
Nieces Mary Jordan and Agness Steel.
Exs: John Jordan and William Swanzey.
Wit: John Gorley, John Gorley, Junr. C. 147.
BONNER, JOHN, Milford. 
November 13, 1784  11 January 1785.
Wife Sarah.
Sons, David and William.
Daus. Judith and Margaret.
Sister Mary at her marriage.
Dau. Sarah.
The three children under age.
Exs: bros. James Bonner, James Bigham and William Bigham.
Wit: Charles Cunningham, Samuel Patterson, James Patterson. D. 244-245. 
BOOR, MICHAEL, East Pennsborough.  
April 7, 1786. January 7, 1788.
Wife Margaret.
Son Nichalaus Boor.
Dau. Mary.
Willary Bucholder.
Dau. Margaret Longstorf.
Son Michael.
Land at Northumberland, near the big Island.
Susannah, wife of Michael Boor.
Nicholaus Boor's son, Michael.
Dau. Margaret Longstorf's dau. Mary.
Exs:  Son Michail Boor.
Wit:  John Walker, Philip Longstorf.  E. 141.
BOOR, WILLIAM, Westpennsborough.  
June 2, 1812. October 19, 1820.
Wife Elizabeth, formerly Elizabeth Shelly.
Sons Nicholas and William.
Other children, Michael, Henry, Jacob, Mary, Betsy, Catherine, Susannah 
and Margaret.
Guardians to have children properly educated.
Plantation in Greenwood Township.
Exs:  John Tailor and son Nicholas Boor.
Wit:  Elisha Doyle, Robt. McCoy.  I. 182.
BORALL, JACOB, mason, Tyrone.  
November 11, 1805. February 27, 1806.
Wife Ann Mary.
Sons Nicholas and Jacob.
Daus. Elizabeth, Barbara wife of George Miller and Sarah wife of George 
Flesher. Sons Paul and Valintine.
Dau. Catherine.
Exs:  George Miller and George Flesher.
Wit:  George Haller, Abraham Fulwiler.  G. 143-144.
BORLAND, THOMAS, Carlisle.  
February 9, 1797. June 14, 1797.
Wife Mary.
Three children in the Kingdom of Ireland, viz., Mary Borland, Samuel 
and Thomas Borland.
Son Joseph Borland.
Land in Nittany Valley, in partnership with bros.
Exs:  Bro. Samuel Borland and John Pollock of Carlisle.
Wit:  John Pollock, John Jordan.  F. 75.
BORDNER, JACOB, East Pennsbro.  
January 13, 1815. December 9, 1815.
Wife Eve.
Sons Samuel, George and Jacob.
Land on which son Samuel lives adjoining lands of Leonard Buttorff, 
John Bossler.
Daus. Elizabeth wife of Philip Bretz and Barbara wife of Walter Linn.
Exs:  Wife Eve Bordner and John Bossler.
Wit:  John McHose, Christr. Coble.  H. 361.
BOUGHER, LUDWICK, North Middleton.  
December 18, 1823. December 22, 1823. 
To my mother.
John Diller son of Benjamin Diller.
John Jacob who now lives with me.
Exs:  Jacob Bishop and George McFeeley.
W.Ramsey, Benjamin Diller.
January 16, 1824.
Appeal of Elizabeth Shelby, mother of Ludwick Bougher, decd.  I. 350-351.
BOW, MICHAEL, Carlisle.  
January 10, 1791. March 4, 1791.
Wife Catherine.
Daus. Catherine, wife of John Gaw, and Nancy Bow.
Son Andrew Bow, in Kingdom of Ireland.
Exs:  Wife Catherine and son-in-law John Gaw.
Wit:  Samuel Boyd, John Rodgers, John Jordan.  E. 209.
BOWER, CATHERINE, wife of Martin Bower, Decd, Middleton.  
April 19, 1785. 14 January 1786.
Oldest dau. Catherine.
Dau. Elizabeth.
Three sons of George Wytsil, blacksmith, viz., Jacob, George and John 
Wytsil, grandsons.
Son Martin Bower.
Exs:  George Wytsil and Martin Bower.
Wit:  T. S. Wetzel, George Crean.  E. 59.
BOWER, CHRISTOPHER, farmer, Toboyne.  
January 21, 1814. February 24, 1814. 
Wife Susannah.
Oldest dau. Hannah Beaver.
Son Abraham.
Land on Meeting House Ridge, adjoining Nicholas Loy and Azria Tousey.
Dau. Susannah Barnhidle.
Solomon Shively and his six children, minors, whom dau. Elizabeth bore 
to him. Daus. Easter Creamer, Mary Stumbaugh and Liddy.
Granddau. Sally Beaver.
Rebecca Stumbaugh.
Exs:  Sons Abraham Bower, Solomon Bower and William Anderson, Esq.
Wit:  John Gardner, Stephen Cessna, Saml. McCord.  H. 244-246.
BOWER, HENRY, Dickinson.  
May 13, 1803. October 11, 1803.
Wife Margaret.
Dau. Rebecka.
Son Daniel, minor and his full bros. and sisters, names not given.
Exs:  Philip Pepper.
Wit:  Nathan Woods, Samuel Lockard.  G. 10.
BOWER, MARGARET, Dickinson.  
November 20, 1816. May 3, 1817. 
To Henry Bowers, William Bowers, Rebecca Harriott and Rachel Peffer.
David Bowers.
Ex.:  Daniel Bowers.
Wit:  Philip Peffer, George Stevens.  I. 2.
BOWMAN, CHRISTIAN, Eastpennsbro.  
December 16, 1807. December 4, 1815.
Nancy Seibert and Daniel Seibert, children of Jacob Seibert of 
Cocallico Township, Lancaster Co.
Bro. Benjamin Bowman.
Bro. in law Deitrick Fanestock of Lancaster Co.
Bro. Daniel Bowman.
The widow of bro. Samuel Bowman, decd., and his children.
Exs:  John Bowman son of bro. Benjamin of Lancaster Co. and John 
Bowman son of bro. Samuel, decd.
Wit:  John Rupley, Jacob Wormly.  H. 358.
BOWMAN, JACOB, Frankford.  
May 15, 1815. March 30, 1821.
Sons Abraham, Christian and Samuel.
Dau. Mary, decd.
Daus. Elizabeth, Magdalene and Catherine.
Children of dau. Mary, decd.
Dau. Rebecca who is not capable to care for herself under guardianship 
of sons. Exs:  Son Christian Bowman and Martin George, Esq.
Wit:  John Bear, John Bear, Junr.  I. 202.
BOYCE, WILLIAM, yeoman, East Pennsborough.  
April 22, 1791. April 16, 1793. 
Sons John and Robert.
Dau. Ann.
Robert Boyce's son william.
Robert's dau. Mary.
Joseph Clerk's dau. Mary.
Samuel Fleming to school him.
Dau. Sarah Montgomery.
Exs:  Son John Boyce and David Bower.
Wit:  Lewes Lewes, Robert Chamber, Solomon Kees.  E. 296-297.
BOYD, JOHN, Letterkeny. 
July 7, 1769  25 April 1770.
Wife Mary, 1  3 yearly profits from plantation.
Dau. Elizabeth Boyd, 50 pounds.
Reference is made to younger children.
Sons James Boyd, Robert Boyd, William Boyd, Samuel Boyd, John
Boyd and Thomas Boyd, each 1  6 of lands.
Exs: wife Mary and son James Boyd.
Wit: Saml. Sloan, Jas. Jordan. A. 46-47.
BOYD, JOHN, Carlisle Town. 
June 26, 1778  8 August 1778.
Wife Dorcas. Children, Mary and John, minors. A child not yet born.
Exs: wife Dorcas and uncle William Thompson, Esq., of Carlisle and 
bro.-in-law Joseph Spear, Esq., of Carlisle.
Wit: J. Postlethwaithe, Alexr. Blaine, Wm. Montgomery. C. 108-9.
BOYD, SIMON, Carlisle.  
May 19, 1814.  October 24, 1816.
Sole Heir and Ex.:  Wife Priscilla.
Wit:  Jeremiah Atwake, George Philips, George Murray.  H. 440.
BOYD, WILLIAM, Newton.  
September 26, 1807. October 7, 1807.
Wife Abigail.
Minor children, names not given.
Exs:  Matthew Thompson and Adam Boyd.
Wit:  Hugh Thompson, William Thompson.  G. 259.
February 22, 1813. June 28, 1816.
To wife Sabina, all estate in fee simple, that she May retain, control 
over to children.
Sole Ex.:  Wife Sabina.
Wit:  Archd. Lonond, wife Sabina and Robert McClan. 
Memorandum:  May 19, 1816.
Made and published.  H. 407-408.
May 12, 1774  1 October 1775.
Wife Martha.
Sons James, Samuel and John.
Daus. Elizabeth, Martha and Agness.
Exs: sons James Brackenridge and Samuel Brackenridge.
Wit: Saml. Culbertson, Saml. Culbertson. B. 201-202.
BRADY, HUGH, farmer, Hopewell.  
May 16, 1782. May 26, 1787.
Son James.
Sons John, Samuel and Joseph, minors.
Four daus. Mary, Hannah, Rebeccah and Jean, minors.
Exs:  Son James and bro. Ebenezer.
Wit:  John Thompson, William Baron, James Young.   E. 108.
BRADY, JOSEPH, farmer, Hopewell.  
September 7, 1776. June 22, 1787.
Wife Mary.
Eldest dau. Marget.
Other daus. Mary, Jean, Hannah and Elizabeth, at their marriage or at 
age of twenty-two years.
Sons Hugh and Joseph, when last is of age.
Exs:  Wife Mary and James McCane, of sd. Twp.
Wit:  Hugh Laughlin, John Mitchel.  E. 111-112.
BRANDT, DANIEL, Mifflin.  
July 2, 1816. November 14, 1816.
Wife Elizabeth.
Three children, minors.
Jacob Moorhart.
To John Crim for service of Ann Crim.
Exs:  Wife Elizabeth Brandt and Christian Heckerdorn.
Wit:  John Senseborg, Philip Kamp.  H. 450.
BRANDT, MARY, Allen.  
April 8, 1821. August 31, 1822.
Two daus., viz., Elizabeth wife of George Shenk, and 
Catherine wife of John Shellar.
Children of son Martin Brandt, decd.
Son David Brandt and his dau. Molly Brandt.
Granddau. Elizabeth Pence, dau. of Philip Pence.
Two granddaus. and one grandson, children of George Pence.   
Exs:  Jacob Strock and Benjn. Kibbler of Allen.
Wit:  David Seiser, Henry Croll.
Codicil:  August 18, 1822.
Wit:  Elizabeth Rheem.  I. 249-250.
BRANDT, PHILIP, farmer, Allen.  
May 11, 1803. June 3, 1803.
Wife Mary.
Sons Martin and David.
Plantation on Yellow Breeches Creek.
Plantation in Hanover Township, Dauphin Co.
Four daus., viz., Mary wife of George Schenk, Elizabeth, Catherine and 
Barbara. Exs:  Son Martin Brandt and his bros. Adam Brandt and Abraham 
Brandt. Wit:  Jacob Mohler, David Brandt.  F. 358-360.
BRANIZER, JOHN, Senr., Allen.  
July 25, 1805. July 5, 1816.
Nine children, viz., Peggy wife of Jonas Kline, John, Christiana widow 
of Christian Beelman, Barbara Branizer, George, Mary wife of John 
Dornbaugh, David, Adam and Michael.
Exs:  Sons Michael Branizer and David Branizer.
Wit:  Adam Brandt, David Brandt.  H. 409-411.
BRANNIGER, BARBARA, Eastpennsbro.  
October 24, 1820. December 9, 1820.
Bro. David's son John Branniger.
Niece Christina Brenenizer, dau. of sd. bro. David.
All children of Bro. David.
Bro. Adam Brannizer.
All bros. and sistrs.
Ex.:   Bro. David Branniger.
Wit:  A. Cunningham, John Bender.  I. 193.

BRATTON, JAMES, Wayne. July 3, 1786. October 25, 1786. 
Wife Issable.
Dau. Jean when eighteen years of age.
Youngest dau. Elizabeth.
Rest of children, viz., Phebe, William, George and Robert, all minors.
Exs: Wife Issable Bratton and William Junkin. Wit: Wm. Bratton, Geo. Bratton, Hugh Robison. E. 88.


BREDEN, WILLIAM, now of Hamilton, Franklin Co.  
April 25, 1786. April 7, 1788. 
Son Robert Breden.
Daus. Agness and Sarah.
Dau.-in-law Margaret, wife to Elder Bredin.
Grandson William son to Elder Breden, when fourteen years old.
Exs:  Abraham Dar and Josiah Cander of Dafen Co.
Wit:  William Withrow, Joseph Swan, William McClure.  E. 126.



BRICE, JEAMS (James). 
September 9, 1783  11 August 1784.
Bro. William Brice.
James Brice, son of bro. William.
Bro.'s dau. Ruth Culverson.
Bro.'s son Robert Cree.
Samuel Taler(?).
Land on the Tuscarora Creek.
Ex.: Bro. William Brice.
Wit: Alpheus Gustin, Junr., Marget Gustin. D. 217.


BRICE, SAMUEL, West Pennsborough. 
May 27, 1783. October 3, 1786.
Wife Elizabeth.
Five daus., viz., Sarah wife of John Murdock and her children,
Ann wife of Paul Reed and her children, Elizabeth wife of Robert Walker and her children, Margaret wife of Petter Smith, Isabel wife of Samuel Walker. Exs:  Petter Smith, Andrew Carter and John Scouller.
Wit:  Hugh Boden, Thomas Dickson, James Dawson, Jr.  E. 82.


July 28, 1822. September 4, 1822.
Wife Barbara.
Sons Samuel, John, Joseph, George, William and Moses.
Four daus. Margaret, Julia Ann, Eve Ann and Mary Ann.
Samuel Buchanan, tenant.
Peter Sholl, tenant.
Land partly in Cumberland and partly in York Co.
House in Lewistown, Mifflin Co.
Exs:  Son Samuel Bricker and Wm. Line of Carlisle.
Wit:  Samuel Young, George Smith.   I. 251-254.


BRICKER, MARY, widow of Peter Bricker, Allen.  
August 22, 1820.  February 5, 1821. 
Sons Peter, Samuel and John.
Daus. Elizabeth Brindle, Mary Basehore, Catherine Searer and Susanna 
Geary. Granddau. Lucetta Geary.
Exs:  Son Peter Bricker and George Beltzhoover.
Wit:  Rudolph Krysher, David Norris, George Lutz.
Two other daus. Barbara Brennizer and Magdalena Miller.  I. 196-197.


BRICKER, PETER, yeoman, Allen.  
April 14, 1804. September 13, 1804.
Wife Mary.
Son Peter Bricker.
Land bought of Jacob Weise.
Land bought of William Hameroley.
Six daus., viz., Elizabeth wife of George Brindle, Barbara wife David 
Brenizer, Magdalen wife of Jacob Miller, Mary wife John Beshor, 
Catherine Bricker and Susanna Bricker.
Exs:  Adam Brandt and John Barr.
Wit:  Jacob Crever, Jacob Weise.  G. 40-41.
September 18, 1804. October 25, 1804.
Sons Valentine, Andrew, William and John.
Dau. Mary.
Other daus. names not given.
Exs:  Son Valentine Brickley and John Wingert.
Wit:  William Gamber, John Waggoner.  G. 75.


BRIGGS, DAVID, Eastpennsborough.  
January 27, 1801. February 8, 1804.
Wife Anna.
Lands formerly belonging to Oliver Pollock, Esq., known by name of 
Silver's Spring Estate.
Three sons David, Benjamin and Joseph, a minor.
Dau. Mary Pollock.
Land where Carey's house stands.
House occupied by Jared Pollock.
House in which Henry lives.
Dau. Elinor Hoge.
Grandson David Hoge, a minor.
James Davis' wife's son.
Plantation formerly belonging to Robert Morris, Esq.
Exs:  Wife Anna Briggs and son David Briggs.
Wit:  Andrew Galbreath, Robt. Duncan, James Duncan.
Codicil February 2, 1804.
Land adjoining Andrew Sheeley.
Philadelphia.  James McGuire, Christopher Coffman.  G. 20-21.


December 15, 1812. May 31, 1814.
Wife Susannah.
Bro. Abraham Brindle.
God children John and Susanna, minor children of said bro. Abraham 
Brindle. Present dwelling and plantation sold to John Crist.
To church commonly called Mode Creek in Cocallico Township, Lancaster 
Co. Exs:  Wife Susanna and relation Mathias Gerner of Huntingdon Co.
Wit:  Adam Vickman, Jacob Shelly.  H. 265.


April 24, 1820. June 10, 1820.
Wife Ann
Dau. Martha married to Isaac Weakley.
Unmarried daus. Nelly and Mary.
Sons George, Samuel and William.
Wit:  John Scouller, John Y. Davidson.   I. 164.


BRITTON, JOHN, yeoman, Southampton.  
June 19, 1797. February 6, 1802.
Dau. Sarah wife of James Russell.
Sons Thomas, James and John Britton.
Exs:  Son John Britton.
Wit:  Andrew Huston, Isabel Scott, John Scott.  F. 264-265.


BROOKS, WILLIAM, yeoman, Allen.  
August 23, 1794. April 6, 1797.
Wife Susanna.
Sons James, William, Jr., and Matthew Brooks.
Jean Brooks, a minor, Martha Brooks, Elizabeth Brooks and Susanna 
Brooks, a minor, Joseph Brooks and Hays Brooks.
Exs:  Sons Samuel Brooks and James Brooks.
Wit:  William Kelso, James Sayers, John Shields.  F. 66-68.



BROTHERTON, AGNES, Letterkinny. December 6, 1783  17 December 1783.
Only child Margaret Brotherton, minor.
Son Robert Brotherton, Dec'd.
Mother, Margaret Stewart.
Father and bro. Charles and sister Sarah Stuart.
Ex.: bro. Samuel Culbertson.
Wit: John Ferguson, Alexander Culbertson. D. 191-192.


BROTHERTON, ELISHA, brazier, Donington in the Co. of Lincoln.  
April 3, 1801. 17 August 1809.
Wife Jane.
Freehold and copyhold, messauges, lands &c. situate and being in 
Donington, aforesd.
Ex.:  Wife Jane Brotherton.
Wit:  J. Gleed, Rd. Gleed, Elizabeth Hickenbotham.
The will of Elisha Brotherton, late of Carlisle, legally proved on the 
principles of lasting "legal proof," as all the subscribing witnesses 
resided in England.  H. 20.



May 24, 1776  24 July 1779.
Wife Mary.
Sons James, George and John.
Grandsons, George Brown and William Brown.
Exs: sons James Brotherton and George Brotherton.
Wit: James Johnston, James Brown, Thos. Johnston. C. 155-6.


BROWER, WILLIAM, Carlisle.  
October 29, 1810. November 12, 1810.
Wife Nancy.
Dau. Emily.
Robert Parkinson.
John Byers of Carlisle.
Exs:  Sd. John Byers and Robert Parkinson.
Wit:  Thomas McMurray, John L. Hays.  H. 61.



July 15, 1782  8 October 1782.
Wife Jane.
Son Henry.
Daus. Hanna, Martha, Marey and Elizabeth.
Exs: son Henry Brown and James Bell.
Wit: Walter Buchanan, Jno. McNeight. D. 113-114.


August 6, 1796. May 31, 1797.
Wife Martha.
Two sons James and Ephraim.
Two daus. Martha Brown and Mary Brown.
Exs:  Wife Martha Brown and son James Brown.
Wit:  James Graham, William Harkness.  F. 74.


February 26, 1777. March 14, 1786.
David Russel of East Twp., son of James Russel and Jean Russel of 
Chester Co. Joseph Semple of Middleton.
James Russel of East Twp., Chester Co.
Joseph Russel of County aforesd.
Mary Russel dau. of sd. James Russel.
Exs:  Joseph McClun of East Pennsboro and Jos. Semple.
Wit:  Joseph Adair, Robert Young, Joseph Semple.   E. 60.
May 19, 1778  22 June 1784.
Wife Catherine.
Father-in-law Robert Boyd.
Mary McAfee (a bound child)
Cousin James Brown, son of Uncle John Brown.
Exs: Robert McFarland, William Galbreath and John McDowell.
Wit: Eph. Steel, Samuel McCoskey, William Blair. D. 211-212.
BROWN, JOHN, Toboyne. 
December 20, 1775  1 October 1775.
Wife Elizabeth.
Bro. Robert Brown.
Bro. Robert's dau. Mary.
Step son Samuel Glasgo.
Daus. Mary and Jean.
Grandson James Brown, son of son William, minor.
Exs: wife Elizabeth and son-in-law George Brown.
Wit: Alexander Murray, Anthony Morrison. B. 200.
BROWN, JOHN, Hopewell. 
March 1, 1771  8 July 1776.
Nephew, James Brown.
Bro. Samuel's son.
Nieces, Elizabeth and Hannah.
Bro. Samuel's dau.
Bro. Thomas's daus., Isabela and Eleanor.
Grand niece, Nathaniel Wilson's dau., Sarah.
Bro. Thomas and bro. Samuel.
Ex.: nephew James Brown.
Wit: Alexr. Laughlin, John M'Clean. B. 234.
BROWN, JOHN, the Elder, Westpennsbro.  
April 16, 1814. October 13, 
1815. Wife Elizabeth.
Sons Joseph and John.
Children and heirs at law of son Adam, decd.
Son in law John Reese in right of his wife Mary.
Plantation in Butler Co., now in occupancy of sd. John Reese.
Son in law George Boyd and his wife Elizabeth.
Son in law John Dods and his wife Hannah.
Part of said plantation in Butler Co. in occupancy of sd. John Dods.
Grandson Josiah Hood.
Exs:  Sons Joseph and John Brown.
Wit:  Peter Tritt, William McDonald.  H. 347-348.
BROWN, LUCY, Carlisle.  
August 10, 1809. August 22, 1809.
Bros. Arthur, George, William and Thompson.
Exs:  Bros. William Brown and Thompson Brown and friend James Duncan.
Wit:  Philip Wiant, Andrew Boden.  H. 21.
BROWN, MARTHA, widow, Antrim. 
November 1, 1773  25 January 1782.
Sons James Potter and Samuel Potter.
Daus. Margaret Lettimore, Catherine Caruthers, Mary Bear, Hanah 
McMullen and Amy Young.
Grandson John Potter son to James Potter, a minor, plantation on
Bald Eagle Creek, Northumberland Co.
Dau. Isabella.
Granddau. Martha Potter, a minor and Elizabeth Potter, daus. of son 
James Potter.
Ex.: son James Potter.
Wit: James Johnston, Robert Johnston, Mary Beatty. D. 87.
BROWN, MARY, widow, Carlisle.  
---. January 28, 1808.
Dau. Lucy Brown.
Sons William and Thompson.
Exs:  James Duncan, Esq., and son William Brown.
Wit:  Philip Wiant, John B. Gibson.  G. 288.
October 19, 1783  13 November 1788.
Wife Sarah.
Dau. Martha McKinley.
Son John.
Land that was Mr. West's.
Land that was Nathaniel McKinney's.
Other children: Robert, Joseph, Allice, Elizabeth, Sarah,
William, Rebecca and Mary, when each comes of age.
Mary, wife of Joseph Darlington.
Exs: David Mitchel and son John Brown.
Wit: Roger Brown, Robert Heatley, William Hammond. D. 184-185.
BROWN, PHILIP, Shippensburg.  
October 11, 1824. April 12, 1825.
Philip Wanamaker, only son of dau. Elizabeth.
House and lot near Halafax, Dauphin Co.
Ex.:   Dau. Elizabeth Wanamaker.
Wit:  Stephen Cochran, Stephen Colp.  I. 403.
BROWN, ROBERT, West Pennsborough. Noncupative will. 
August 18, 1772  16 February 1773. 
Sister Mary Brown, sole heir.
Wit: James Ewing of West Pennsborough, Samuel Reaugh, William
Query and Mary Barkley. B. 147-148.
May 7, 1776  14 April 1777.
To wife Martha.
To youngest daus: Grace Brown and Martha Brown.
Other four children, viz.: Roger Brown, Margaret Guthrey, Mary Hattey, 
Elizabeth Boggs.
To Robert Boggs, land purchased from Francis West and Nathaniel 
McKeney. Exs: wife Martha Brown and son, Mathew Brown.
Wit: Finlaw McCown, Robert Cree, David Mitchel. C. 1-2.
BROWN, ROGER, Juniata.  
April 3, 1810. April 10, 1813.
Wife Mary.
Son Robert.
Dau. Martha Wallace.
Granddau. Grace Wallace.
Dau. Eleanor.
Son Francis.
Son William decd.
Papers of estate of John Guthrie, decd., with Finlaw McCown decd., to 
Margaret Gustine, alias now Margaret Marchall.
Exs:  Son Robert Brown and Francis McCown.
Wit:  Henry Bull, Robert Bull.  H. 180-181.
December 20, 1768  24 April 1769.
Wife Martha. Three days after my decease my wife is to move from 
mansion house to house where James White now lives.
Son George.
Thomas Brown, eldest son of son George.
Grandson, George Brown.
Grandson Michael Campbell, "to be ... at school until fit, either for 
the practice of Law, Physick or Divinity."
Sons-in-law, John Rannels, Joseph Cook and James McClean.
Daus. Rebeccah Campbell, Elizabeth Cook and Christian McClean. 
Grandsons, viz., Thomas Campbell, Thomas Cook and Thomas Brown 
McClean. Granddaus. Finwell McClean and Sarah Brown.
Tenants, William Dean, James White and Wm. Clingston.
Son Lazarus Brown, servant purchased from Alen Brown.
Exs: son George Brown.
Wit: Jas. Lang, James Caruthers, Jno. McMillen. B. 17-20.
BROWN, THOMAS, Shippensburg. 
June 9, 1774  22 June 1774.
Wife Jemima.
To William Bedford.
To James Reynolds, Jr.
Ex.: James Reynolds, senior.
Wit: Jno. Alexander, Jane Bedford. B. 171.
BROWN, WILLIAM, Carlisle.  
April 3, 1802. May 6, 1802.
Wife Mary.
Two youngest children, viz., Lucy Brown and Thompson Brown.
Ground and tan yard on Pompet Street.
Sons Arthur, William and George.
Dau. Isabella wife of Lewis Foulk.
Lands on the Juniata River.
Exs:  Sons William and Thompson Brown and James Duncan.
Wit:  Samuel Gustine, Ephraim Steel, Charles Bovard.
Codicil April 4, 1802.
Land in Juniata in name of son Pitt Brown, decd.  F. 286-293.
BROWNFIELD, JOHN, yeoman, Hopewell.  
September 15, 1788. November 18, 1788. 
Wife Elizabeth.  
Son James.
Daus. Jean and Elizabeth.
Dau. Maryann, a minor.
Exs:  Wife Elizabeth and Alexander Laughlin, Esq.
Wit:  James Hathorn, George Clark, John Clark.  E. 139.



May 9, 1778  8 June 1778.
Eight children: Margaret, Marey, Chariels (son), Eleanor, Agness, 
Alexander, Richard and Martha, "if any of said children die before they 
are married or not of age of 21 years."
Exs: James McCune and Alexander Laughlin.
Wit: John Moorhead, James Johnston, Wm. Nobel. C. 104-5.



BUCHANNAN, JAMES   Pennsborough Twp.
----       March 4, 1764
Wife: Janet Buchannan. Child: William.
Ex.: William Buchannan.


BULL, HENRY, Juniatta.  
May 11, 1816. November 14, 1816.
Wife Grace.
Daus. Elizabeth married to James Beaty, Jemimah married to Francis 
Jordan, Rebecca married to John Okeson, Martha Bull and Eleanor Bull, 
youngest dau. Son Robert Bull, decd.
Grandsons Amos Jordan and Henry Beaty, minors.
Exs:  James Teaty and Francis Jordan.
Wit:  Willm. Bull, Jno. Bull, G. Monroe.  H. 448-449.


BULL, RICHARD, yeoman.  
February 29, 1792. April 19, 1799.
Sons Henry, William, Thomas, John and Richard.
Dau. Joccaminka Richards' son.
Grandson David Maredy (McCready?).
Exs:  Sons Henry Bull and Wm. Bull.
Wit:  Thomas Scott, Roger Brown, William Wallace.  F. 141-142.


BURD, MATTHIAS, shoemaker, Tyrone.  
April 26, 1815. May 27, 1817.
Wife Catherine.
Estate in Tyrone and Juniatta Townships adjoining lands of Wm. Barkley, 
George Smith and Joseph Sprigle.
Children, to wit, Jacob, George, Matthias, John, William, Margaret wife 
of John Barrack and Elizabeth wife of Henry Folk.
Exs:  Son George Burd and John Holepeter of Juniatta.
Wit:  John Vincent, Wilson McClure.  I. 4-5.


August 6, 1805. October 18, 1805.
Wife Catherine.
Six children, minors, none named.
Exs:  Bro. John Burkholder and Daniel Wonderlick.
Wit:  John Craighead, Geo. Logue.  G. 122.



BURNEY, THOMAS, Guilford. January 1, 1778  11 February 1778.
Wife Marcy. Son-in-law John Lindsey. Grandson Thomas Lindsey.
Robert Burney Landrem. Dau. Marcy Burney. Dau. Margaret Burney.
Son Thomas Burney.
Exs: wife Marcy and sons-in-law, John Lindsey and Robert Burney 
Landrem. Wit: Charles Gilereais, Jas. Lindsey, George Crawford. C. 74-5. 



BURNS, JOHN, Hamilton. 
December 2, 1760  17 March 1761.
Son Leard.
Daus. Ann and Martha.
Exs: son Leard Burns and James Guthrey.
Wit: John Burns, Robert Campbell. A. 83.


BUTDORFF, LEONARD, Eastpennsboro.  
August 22, 1818. October 27, 1818.
Wife Margaret.
Four sons, viz., George, Frederick, John and Leonard, a minor.
Wife of son John.
Exs:  George Butdorff and George Swartz.
Wit:  Samuel Rees, Jno. Clendenin.  I. 86-87.


BUTLER, RICHARD, Carlisle.  
At Fort McIntosh September 29, 1785. May 31, 1792. 
Wife Mary.
Son William and dau. Mary Butler, minors.
Bro. William Butler.  
Honored father.
House and lot in Carlisle.
Land on Plumb Creek, Westmoreland Co., taken out in name of John Beard, 
adj. land of Col. George Croghan.
Land in name of George McCully on the Alleghany River.
Land in name of Robert George on Plumb Creek.
Lots in Pittsburgh adj. lots of William Butler.
Lots in town of Appleby on the Alleghany River.
Donation Lands for services as Colonel in Army of the United States.
James O'Hara.
Exs:  Wife Mary, bro. William Butler and Thomas Smith, Esq., Attorney 
at Law in Carlisle.
Wit:  John McDowell, James O'Hara.  E. 253-256.


BUTLER, THOMAS, gunsmith, West Pennsborough.  
September 20, 1787. July 23, 1791. 
Wife Elienor.
Son Richard Butler and his spouse.
Son William and his spouse.
Dau. Elinor Butler.
Sons Edward and Pierce Butler.
Son Captain Thomas Butler. 
Exs:  Wife Elioner Butler and sons Thomas and Edwd. Butler.
Wit:  Pat. Wallace, Jas. Armstrong, Mark Kerr.  E. 229.


BYERS, JOHN, West Pennsborough. 
February 7, 1788. February 18, 1788.
Only son James.
Daus. Mary and Jane.
Dau. Elizabeth, her late husband.
George Lewis' land.
John Alexander.
Exs:  Son James and son-in-law John Alexander.
Wit:  Robert Davidson, John Montgomery, Sam. Laird, Chas. McClure.  E. 120-121.